Managing IP overlaps by using different available services and options (for example, NAT, PrivateLink, Transit Gateway routing)
Security methods for DNS communications (for example, DNSSEC)
Configuring DNSSEC on Route 53
AWS Organizations and AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM) (for example, multi-account Transit Gateway, Direct Connect, Amazon VPC, Route 53)
Configuring existing on-premises name resolution with the AWS Cloud
Design patterns for the usage of content distribution networks (for example, Amazon CloudFront)
Design patterns for global traffic management (for example, AWS Global Accelerator)
Configuring network monitoring and logging by using AWS solutions
Implementing automated alarms by using CloudWatch
Methods to alter traffic management (for example, based on latency, geography, weighting)
Connectivity patterns that apply to load balancing based on the use case (for example, internal load balancers, external load balancers)
Security appliances (for example, firewalls)
Infrastructure automation
Integrating load balancers with existing application deployments
Mechanisms to secure different application flows
Identifying the logging and monitoring requirements