Plan a container deployment
Implement prebuilt containers in a connected environment
Create a solution that uses Anomaly Detector, part of Cognitive Services
Create a solution that uses Azure Content Moderator, part of Cognitive Services
Create a solution that uses Personalizer, part of Cognitive Services
Create a solution that uses Azure Metrics Advisor, part of Azure Applied AI Services
Create a solution that uses Azure Immersive Reader, part of Azure Applied AI Services
Select appropriate visual features to meet image processing requirements
Create an image processing request to include appropriate image analysis features
Interpret image processing responses
Extract text from images or PDFs by using the Computer Vision service
Convert handwritten text by using the Computer Vision service
Extract information using prebuilt models in Azure Form Recognizer
Build and optimize a custom model for Azure Form Recognizer
Choose between image classification and object detection models
Specify model configuration options, including category, version, and compact