Implement branch merging restrictions by using branch policies and branch protections
Integrate GitHub repositories with Azure Pipelines
Configure permissions in the source control repository
Configure tags to organize the source control repository
Recover data by using Git commands
Purge data from source control
Integrate pipelines with external tools, including dependency scanning, security scanning, and code coverage
Design and implement quality and release gates, including security and governance
Design integration of automated tests into pipelines
Design and implement a comprehensive testing strategy (including local tests, unit tests, integration tests, and load tests)
Design and implement UI testing
Implement orchestration of tools, such as GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines
Design a package management implementation that uses Azure Artifacts, GitHub Packages, NuGet, and npm
Design and implement package feeds, including upstream sources
Design and implement a dependency versioning strategy for code assets and packages, including semantic versioning and date-based
Design and implement a versioning strategy for pipeline artifacts