Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)

Evaluate organizational strategic goals and objectives using document reviews, interviewing, and other information gathering techniques in order to understand the strategic priorities.

Identify prioritization criteria (e.g., legislative, dependencies, ROI, stakeholder expectations, strategic fit) using information gathering and analysis techniques in order to create a basis for decision making.

Rank strategic priorities working with key stakeholders and using qualitative and quantitative analyses in order to provide a guiding framework to operationalize the organizational strategic goals and objectives.

Identify existing and potential portfolio components by reviewing documentation such as business plans/proposals in order to create portfolio scenarios.

Create portfolio scenarios (what-if analysis) by reviewing components against prioritization criteria and using analysis techniques (e.g., options analysis, risk analysis, SWOT analysis, financial analysis) in order to evaluate and select viable options.

Recommend portfolio scenario(s) and related components, based on prioritization analysis/criteria, in order to provide governance with a rationale for decision making.

Determine the impact to portfolio and portfolio components due to changes in strategic goals and objectives, in order to sustain strategic alignment.

Create high level portfolio roadmap working with key stakeholders using prioritization, interdependency analysis, and organizational constraints in order to confirm and communicate the portfolio components sequencing, dependencies, and strategic alignment.

Define and establish a governance model including the structure (including but not limited to steering committees, governance boards), policies, and decision-making roles, esponsibilities, rights and authorities in order to support effective decision-making and achieve strategic goals.

Determine portfolio management standards, protocols, rules, and best practices, using organizational assets (such as information systems, subjectmatter experts) and industry standards in order to establish consistent portfolio management practices.

Define and/or modify portfolio processes and procedures including but not limited to benefits realization planning, information management, performance, communication, risk management, stakeholder engagement, resource management, and change management in order to manage the portfolio efficiently and effectively.

Create the portfolio management plan including, but not limited to, roles and responsibilities, governance model, escalation procedures, risk tolerances, and governance thresholds, change control and management, key performance indicators, prioritization model, and communication procedures using standards, models, and other organizational assets in order to ensure effective and efficient portfolio management.

Make recommendations and obtain approval regarding portfolio decisions (e.g, components, plans, budget, roadmap) through communication with key decision makers as defined by the governance model, in order to authorize the execution of the portfolio.

Initiate the portfolio using the portfolio roadmap and supporting artifacts in order to authorize the portfolio structure and activate the components.

Collect and consolidate key performance metric data, as defined by portfolio governance and using various techniques, in order to measure the health of the portfolio.

Monitor the portfolio performance on an ongoing basis, using reports, conversations, dashboards, and auditing techniques in order to ensure portfolio effectiveness and efficiency and maintain strategic alignment.

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