Identify Microsoft AI options for processing documents in desktop and cloud flows
Identify Microsoft AI options for processing data in desktop and cloud flows
Identify optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities in desktop flows
Identify use cases for the Document Automation Toolkit
Identify use cases for scripting languages including PowerShell and VBScript
Identify use cases for application-specific macro languages including VBA in Microsoft Excel and Office Scripts
Identify use cases for using JavaScript
Identify how to use the document object model (DOM) in automation
Create a cloud flow that calls a desktop flow
Create and use child cloud flows including how to pass data to a child cloud flow and return data back
Perform actions in cloud flows by calling external APIs
Configure filter conditions and concurrency in cloud flows
Configure timeout and retry policies in cloud flows
Implement data objects in cloud flows
Identify common processes for parsing text including JSON, XML, and CSV in cloud flows