
Source control is essential for managing and maintaining Power BI assets in an enterprise-scale analytics solution using Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Power BI. It enables better collaboration among development teams, version control of assets, and easy rollback to previous versions. In this article, we will recommend a source control strategy to effectively manage Power BI assets.

Setting up Git Repository

  1. Create a Git repository: Start by creating a new Git repository in your preferred source control management system, such as Azure DevOps or GitHub. This repository will serve as the central location for storing and versioning Power BI assets.
  2. Connect Power BI Desktop to Git: Open Power BI Desktop and go to the File menu. Select Options and settings, and then click on Options. In the Options dialog box, navigate to the Global section and click on the Git tab. Connect Power BI Desktop to your Git repository by providing the repository URL and authentication details.
  3. Initialize a local Git repository: In your local development environment, initialize a Git repository in the root folder where you save your Power BI assets. Open a Git command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory. Use the git init command to initialize the repository.

Versioning and Collaboration

  1. Add Power BI assets to the repository: Use the git add command to add the Power BI files (PBIX files) to the repository. For example, you can use git add SalesReport.pbix to add a specific Power BI file. Alternatively, you can use git add . to add all files within the directory.
  2. Commit changes: After adding the files, commit the changes by running the git commit command. This creates a new version of the Power BI assets in the local repository. Remember to provide descriptive commit messages that explain the changes made.
  3. Push changes to the remote repository: Use the git push command to push the committed changes to the remote repository. This step ensures that the changes are saved and visible to other developers in the team.
  4. Collaborate and manage versions: Developers can now work on the Power BI assets concurrently. They can create branches, make changes, and merge them back to the main branch when ready. This allows for effective collaboration and easy management of different versions of the assets.
  5. Rollback to previous versions: If an issue arises or a previous version needs to be restored, use the Git commands to revert or rollback the Power BI assets to a specific commit. This can be done using the git revert or git reset commands, depending on the requirements.

By following this source control strategy, you ensure that Power BI assets are properly versioned and managed within an enterprise-scale analytics solution. It promotes collaboration among developers, provides a history of changes, and allows for easy rollback when necessary. Remember to regularly pull changes from the remote repository to stay up to date with the latest versions.

In conclusion, implementing a source control strategy using Git for Power BI assets is crucial for building and maintaining enterprise-scale analytics solutions. It enables effective collaboration, version control, and easy rollback, ensuring the integrity and stability of Power BI assets throughout the development lifecycle.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Power BI supports integration with popular source control providers such as Git and Azure DevOps.

Answer: True

Which of the following is NOT a recommended source control strategy for Power BI assets?

  • a) Storing Power BI files locally on individual workstations.
  • b) Storing Power BI files in a central version control system.
  • c) Utilizing Power BI service workspaces for collaborative development.
  • d) Leveraging source control extensions in Power BI Desktop.

Answer: a) Storing Power BI files locally on individual workstations.

True or False: Power BI supports versioning of Power BI Desktop files.

Answer: True

Which of the following statements is true regarding Power BI deployment pipelines?

  • a) Deployment pipelines allow you to automate the promotion of Power BI artifacts across environments.
  • b) Deployment pipelines are only available for Power BI workspaces hosted in Azure.
  • c) Deployment pipelines are limited to the deployment of reports and dashboards only.
  • d) Deployment pipelines do not support source control integration.

Answer: a) Deployment pipelines allow you to automate the promotion of Power BI artifacts across environments.

True or False: Power BI assets stored in source control can be easily shared and collaborated upon by multiple team members.

Answer: True

What feature in Power BI allows teams to review and approve changes made to Power BI assets before promoting them to production?

  • a) Power BI templates
  • b) Power BI snapshots
  • c) Power BI app workspaces
  • d) Power BI deployment pipelines

Answer: d) Power BI deployment pipelines

True or False: Power BI supports integration with Azure DevOps Boards for tracking and managing Power BI asset changes.

Answer: True

Which of the following is a benefit of utilizing a source control strategy for Power BI assets?

  • a) Enhanced security and access control for Power BI assets.
  • b) Elimination of the need for regular backups of Power BI files.
  • c) Improved query performance for Power BI datasets.
  • d) Simplified collaboration between Power BI users.

Answer: a) Enhanced security and access control for Power BI assets.

True or False: Power BI source control integration allows for the tracking of changes, including the ability to revert to previous versions.

Answer: True

Which of the following source control tools is recommended for managing Power BI assets?

  • a) GitHub
  • b) Subversion
  • c) TFS (Team Foundation Server)
  • d) Bitbucket

Answer: a) GitHub

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Liposlav Magura
1 year ago

Could anyone recommend a solid source control strategy for managing Power BI assets?

Vicky Robertson
1 year ago

For those using Git with Power BI, are you integrating paginated reports in the same repo?

Ezra Walker
1 year ago

This blog post was very helpful, thank you!

Božo Anđelković
1 year ago

Is anyone using Dataverse for source control?

Geartsje Van Iersel
1 year ago

We have always relied on OneDrive for saving our PBIX files. Is there a better approach?

Franz Liebig
10 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

Pearl Clark
1 year ago

Just a heads-up, using SharePoint can be a workaround for small projects.

Rafael Van der Pas
1 year ago

Can we automate the deployment of Power BI reports using Azure DevOps?

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