Tutorial / Cram Notes

Descriptive statistics summarize the main features of a data set in quantitative terms. This summary might include measures of central tendency like the mean, median, and mode, which depict the center of the data. It also includes measures of variability like the standard deviation and variance, which indicate how spread out the data is.

Example of Summary Statistics:

Let’s consider a dataset of ages of customers from a retail store.

Age Frequency
18-25 40
26-33 50
34-41 35
42-49 20
50+ 15

From this data, we can compute:

  • Mean (Average) Age: Sum of all ages divided by the total number of customers.
  • Median Age: The middle value when the ages are ordered from least to most.
  • Mode Age: The age that occurs most frequently in the dataset.


Correlation measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient ranges between -1 and 1. A value close to 1 implies a strong positive correlation (as one variable increases, the other tends to also increase), and a value close to -1 implies a strong negative correlation (as one variable increases, the other tends to decrease). A correlation close to 0 suggests no linear relationship.

Example of Correlation:

The dataset might also include the total spend of each customer. By calculating the correlation coefficient, we can see if there’s a relationship between age and spending.

Age Group Average Spend Correlation Coefficient
18-25 $120
26-33 $240
34-41 $350 0.89
42-49 $225
50+ $200

In this scenario, a 0.89 correlation coefficient suggests a strong positive relationship between age and spending in this range.


The p-value is used in the context of hypothesis testing to measure the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis. It quantifies the probability of observing the given sample data, or something more extreme, assuming the null hypothesis is true. A low p-value (typically ≤ 0.05) indicates that the observed data is highly unlikely under the null hypothesis, leading researchers to reject the null hypothesis.

Example of P-value:

Imagine we want to test if there’s a significant difference in spending between two age groups: 18-25 and 50+. We might establish a null hypothesis stating that there is no difference between the groups.

Age Group Sample Size Average Spend P-value
18-25 40 $120
50+ 15 $200 0.03

Given the p-value of 0.03, we would reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there’s a statistically significant difference in spending between the two age groups.

Interpretation within AWS Machine Learning Context

When working on AWS machine learning projects, all these statistical concepts can be applied to the pre-modeling stage of your ML process. AWS offers various services, like Amazon SageMaker, which can generate descriptive statistics and perform hypothesis testing as part of the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

Understanding descriptive statistics is crucial when evaluating model inputs and outputs. For instance, if certain input features show very weak correlation with the target variable, they might not be useful for model training and could potentially be dropped. Summary statistics can also aid in feature engineering by providing insights into variable scales and distributions that can be normalized or standardized prior to modeling.

Moreover, AWS Machine Learning Solutions also emphasize upon using appropriate statistical methods to validate models. The p-value can be used in AB testing within the SageMaker environment or when determining the significance of model performance metrics.

In conclusion, a strong understanding of descriptive statistics, correlation and p-values is essential for interpreting data and evaluating the performance of machine learning models on AWS. This foundation allows data scientists and machine learning practitioners to conduct thorough EDA, make well-informed feature engineering choices, validate models rigorously, and ultimately deploy robust machine learning solutions.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: The mean value is always more robust to outliers than the median.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: The median is more robust to outliers as it is the middle value in a data set, whereas the mean can be heavily influenced by extreme values.

In descriptive statistics, what is a measure of how much the values in a data set differ from their mean?

  • Variance
  • Standard deviation
  • Range
  • Median

Answer: Variance

Explanation: Variance measures the average degree to which each point differs from the mean – the average of all data points.

True or False: A high positive correlation between two variables indicates that as one variable increases, the other variable decreases.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: A high positive correlation indicates that as one variable increases, the other variable tends to increase as well.

What does a p-value indicate in statistical testing?

  • The probability that the observed data could have occurred by random chance
  • The expected mean of the data
  • The strength of the correlation between two variables
  • The proportion of variance in one variable predicted by another

Answer: The probability that the observed data could have occurred by random chance

Explanation: A p-value is the probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the ones observed during the test, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.

True or False: Summary statistics include measures such as mean, median, and mode, but not the standard deviation.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Summary statistics include central tendency measures (mean, median, mode) and measures of variability (standard deviation, variance, range, etc.).

What does a negative skew in a data distribution indicate?

  • The mean is greater than the median.
  • The data tail is longer on the left side.
  • The median is greater than the mean.
  • The data tail is longer on the right side.

Answer: The data tail is longer on the left side.

Explanation: Negative skew (or left-skewed) means that the tail on the left side of the distribution is longer or fatter than the right side.

True or False: The mode of a data set can never be the same as the mean.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Depending on the distribution of the data set, the mode can be the same as the mean, especially in a perfectly symmetrical distribution.

When interpreting scatter plots, what does a ‘funnel’ shape suggest about the relationship between variables?

  • Strong positive correlation
  • Homoscedasticity
  • Heteroscedasticity
  • No correlation

Answer: Heteroscedasticity

Explanation: A ‘funnel’ or cone shape in a scatter plot suggests heteroscedasticity, meaning there is a non-constant variance between the variables.

True or False: If the p-value is less than the alpha level (e.g., 05), we reject the null hypothesis.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: A small p-value (less than the alpha level) suggests that the observed data is unlikely under the null hypothesis, so we reject the null.

Which of the following is not considered a measure of descriptive statistics?

  • Correlation coefficient
  • Regression coefficient
  • Mean
  • Mode

Answer: Regression coefficient

Explanation: Regression coefficients are part of inferential statistics, which estimate relationships between variables, whereas descriptive statistics summarize the main features of a data set.

Interview Questions

What is the significance of the p-value in hypothesis testing, and how would you interpret a p-value of 03?

The p-value in hypothesis testing measures the probability of obtaining the observed results, or more extreme, when the null hypothesis is true. A p-value of 03 means there’s a 3% chance of observing the data or something more extreme if the null hypothesis is true. In many fields, a p-value less than 05 is considered statistically significant, suggesting that the null hypothesis can be rejected.

Can you explain what a confidence interval is and how it’s related to the mean of a data set?

A confidence interval is a range of values, derived from sample statistics, that is likely to contain the true population parameter (such as the mean) with a certain level of confidence (typically 95%). It’s related to the mean of a data set by providing a range around the sample mean that, with a specified level of confidence, includes the true population mean.

How does a correlation coefficient describe the relationship between two variables?

A correlation coefficient quantifies the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to 1, where 1 indicates a perfect positive linear relationship, -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship, and 0 indicates no linear relationship.

In descriptive statistics, what is the difference between the median and the mean, and why might you choose one over the other to describe a data set?

The mean is the average of all values in a data set, while the median is the middle value when the data points are ordered. If the data set has outliers or is skewed, the median is often chosen over the mean because it better represents the central tendency of the data set by not being as influenced by extreme values.

What does a box plot convey about a data set, and how can it be useful in descriptive statistics?

A box plot visually conveys the distribution of a data set. It shows the median, quartiles, and possible outliers. It’s useful in descriptive statistics because it provides a quick visualization of the central tendency, dispersion, and skewness of the data, as well as highlights potential outliers.

What is the interquartile range, and why is it important?

The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the third quartile (Q3) and the first quartile (Q1) in a data set. It represents the middle 50% of the data. The IQR is important because it’s a measure of statistical dispersion that is not affected by outliers, unlike the range.

How might you use summary statistics to compare the centers and variabilities of two different data sets?

You would compare the means or medians of the data sets to evaluate the centers and use measures of variability such as standard deviation, variance, or IQR to compare how spread out the data points are within each set. By comparing these statistics, you can infer differences in trends and distributions between the two data sets.

Explain what standard deviation tells us about a data set and why it is important.

Standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion in a set of values. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean, while a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range. It is important because it provides insight into the variability around the mean which is crucial for understanding the spread of the data.

What does the term “null hypothesis” mean in the context of hypothesis testing?

In hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis is a default position that there is no effect or no difference. It is the hypothesis that is initially assumed to be true and is tested against the alternative hypothesis that proposes there is an effect or a difference.

Describe when and why you might use a t-test in analyzing data.

A t-test is used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups when we do not know the populations’ standard deviations and have a small sample size (usually less than 30). It can be used, for example, when comparing the effectiveness of two different treatments in a medical study.

Can you explain what skewness and kurtosis indicate about the shape of a data set’s distribution and provide examples when they might be important to consider?

Skewness measures the asymmetry of a distribution, with positive skewness indicating a tail to the right, and negative skewness a tail to the left. Kurtosis measures the “tailedness” of the distribution, where high kurtosis implies many outliers and low kurtosis suggests a lack of outliers. They are important in fields such as finance, where the normality of asset returns is a critical assumption for many models, and anomalies can have significant implications for risk and portfolio management.

How might the coefficient of variation be useful when comparing the relative variability of two different data sets, and what does it tell you?

The coefficient of variation (CV) is a standardized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution or frequency distribution. It is calculated as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. It is useful when comparing the degree of variation from one data series to another, even if the means are drastically different. The CV allows you to compare the relative variability between data sets regardless of their units.

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Alta Gracia Lira
4 months ago

Great post on descriptive statistics! Can anyone explain how correlation is used in machine learning?

Joanna Berhane
3 months ago

Thanks, this post was really helpful!

Victoria Macdonald
3 months ago

@1, why is it important to know about summary statistics in AWS Certified Machine Learning exam?

Anouska Rensink
3 months ago

How do you interpret p-value in the context of machine learning?

Sara Moreno
3 months ago

Appreciate the detailed explanations!

Ingvild Skogsrud
4 months ago

Expert tip: Always visualize your correlations using heatmaps.

Frederick Byrd
3 months ago

This was an informative read. Thanks!

Joey Herrera
4 months ago

Should we worry about multicollinearity in datasets?

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