Tutorial / Cram Notes

S3 bucket policies are resource-based policies that allow you to manage permissions for your S3 resources. They enable you to grant or deny access to your S3 buckets and objects to both AWS accounts and AWS services. Typically, these permissions revolve around operations such as s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, and s3:DeleteObject, which relate to reading, writing, and deleting objects within an S3 bucket.

Use Cases for S3 Bucket Policies in ML

Granting Cross-Account Access

In a machine learning context, you may need to share datasets or models stored in an S3 bucket with other AWS accounts, perhaps belonging to different departments or organizations. With bucket policies, you can define permissions that allow these external entities to access the required resources.

Restricting Access Based on IP Address

You might want to restrict access to your ML resources to requests originating from specific IP ranges, especially when dealing with sensitive data. S3 bucket policies can enforce this type of access control.

Enforcing Data Encryption

Enforcing the use of encryption on uploads (e.g., SSE-S3 or SSE-KMS) ensures that your machine learning data remains secure at rest, which is essential for maintaining data privacy and compliance with various regulations.

Preserving Data Integrity and Versioning

For ML models that rely on consistent data, you may use bucket policies to prevent accidental deletion and ensure versioning is enabled, keeping a record of all changes to the objects in an S3 bucket.

Example of an S3 Bucket Policy

Here’s an example of an S3 bucket policy that grants read-only access to all objects in the my-ml-bucket bucket to a specific AWS account:

“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Principal”: {
“AWS”: “arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root”
“Action”: “s3:GetObject”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::my-ml-bucket/*”

Differences Between S3 Bucket Policies and IAM Policies

Aspect S3 Bucket Policy IAM Policy
Scope Attached directly to S3 buckets Attached to IAM users, groups, or roles
Use Case Broad access control, Cross-account sharing Fine-grained permissions, User-specific access
Resource Definition Implicit (the attached bucket) Must explicitly include S3 resource ARNs
Size Limit Up to 20 KB per bucket policy Up to 2 KB per IAM policy (inline or managed)

S3 Bucket Policy Best Practices

  • Grant least privilege: Only provide the permissions necessary to perform a given task.
  • Regularly audit and rotate keys: Ensure that access keys and roles are up-to-date and rotated frequently.
  • Validate your JSON: Check the syntax of your bucket policies to avoid configuration errors.
  • Use conditions for extra security: Implement conditions in your policies to enforce specific rules, like IP restrictions or MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication).


As an aspiring AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty candidate, mastering S3 bucket policies helps secure your ML workflows and ensure that your datasets, training models, and results are protected according to best practices. By carefully designing and implementing these policies, you can contribute to building robust and secure ML solutions on the AWS platform.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: S3 bucket policies can be used to grant public read access to an S3 bucket.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: S3 bucket policies can be configured to grant public read access to any anonymous user, which means anyone on the internet can access the contents of the bucket.

Which of the following actions can be controlled by an S3 bucket policy?

  • (A) Granting permission to IAM roles
  • (B) Enabling version control
  • (C) Blocking public access
  • (D) Enforcing server-side encryption
  • (E) Setting a lifecycle policy

Answer: A) Granting permission to IAM roles, C) Blocking public access, D) Enforcing server-side encryption

Explanation: S3 bucket policies can be used to grant permissions to IAM roles, block public access, and enforce server-side encryption. Lifecycle policies and version control are not controlled through bucket policies but through other configuration settings in S

True or False: An S3 bucket policy can be used to enforce that objects are encrypted in transit.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: S3 bucket policies can specify that objects must be encrypted in transit by requiring HTTPS for data transfers, which uses SSL/TLS for encryption.

True or False: Allowing an external AWS account to put objects into your S3 bucket requires modifying the bucket ACL (Access Control List).

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: You can use S3 bucket policies to grant permissions to an external AWS account without having to modify the bucket ACL.

Which AWS service helps to manage permissions to S3 buckets and analyze access patterns across S3 buckets at scale?

  • (A) AWS IAM
  • (B) AWS Macie
  • (C) AWS CloudTrail
  • (D) AWS Access Analyzer

Answer: D) AWS Access Analyzer

Explanation: AWS Access Analyzer for S3 is a feature that helps you identify the buckets that are shared with external entities and evaluate the access policies for these buckets, helping you manage and analyze permissions at scale.

True or False: It is considered a best practice to use S3 bucket policies for granular access control and IAM policies for managing permissions across multiple AWS services.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: S3 bucket policies provide a granular level of access control for individual buckets, while IAM policies enable the management of permissions across multiple AWS services.

True or False: Once an S3 bucket policy is set, it cannot be modified; a new policy must be created.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: S3 bucket policies can be modified at any time to update permissions or to address changed requirements; creating a new policy is not necessary unless desired for organizational purposes.

Who can edit an S3 bucket policy?

  • (A) Any user with AWS account root user credentials
  • (B) Any IAM user with S3 full access
  • (C) Any IAM user with permission to edit S3 bucket policies
  • (D) Any IAM user with permission to create S3 buckets

Answer: C) Any IAM user with permission to edit S3 bucket policies

Explanation: Only IAM users who have been granted the necessary permissions to edit S3 bucket policies can actually modify them. This permission can be specifically controlled.

True or False: An S3 bucket policy can restrict access based on the source IP address.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: An S3 bucket policy can include a condition that restricts access to specific IP addresses or a range of IP addresses.

True or False: You can use both IAM policies and S3 bucket policies together to define access permissions for S3 buckets.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: IAM policies and S3 bucket policies can be used together to manage access permissions. IAM policies grant permissions across AWS services, while an S3 bucket policy is specific to a single bucket.

Which action can you enforce with an S3 bucket policy?

  • (A) Allow users to access S3 data from a VPC endpoint only
  • (B) Automatically replicate objects to another bucket
  • (C) Resize images upon upload to the bucket
  • (D) Grant users access to other AWS services like EC2 and RDS

Answer: A) Allow users to access S3 data from a VPC endpoint only

Explanation: S3 bucket policies can control access based on how the request is made, which includes allowing access from a specific VPC endpoint and denying all other requests.

True or False: To make an S3 bucket private and allow no public access at all, you need to both block public access and set the bucket policy to deny all access unless explicitly allowed.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Blocking public access at the account or bucket level and setting a bucket policy that denies all access unless explicitly allowed is the most secure way to ensure that your S3 bucket remains private.

Interview Questions

What is an S3 bucket policy and how does it differ from IAM policies?

An S3 bucket policy is a set of permissions attached directly to an Amazon S3 bucket that governs access to that bucket and the objects within it. Unlike IAM policies, which are attached to AWS user accounts or groups to manage permissions across AWS services, S3 bucket policies are attached only to S3 buckets. Bucket policies are resource-based policies that allow you to grant access permissions to resources that the bucket owner might not own, such as allowing cross-account access to the S3 bucket.

Can you describe the structure of an S3 bucket policy?

An S3 bucket policy is a JSON document that defines who can access the bucket (Principal), what actions they can perform (Action), on which resources (Resource), and under what conditions (Condition). A bucket policy includes a series of statements, each of which includes those elements to specify the exact permissions.

How do S3 bucket policies interact with IAM policies when both are in place?

When S3 bucket policies and IAM policies are both in place, AWS evaluates both to determine whether a request should be allowed or denied. If either the IAM policy or the bucket policy explicitly denies access, the request will be denied. If the request is allowed by one policy but not explicitly denied by the other, then the request will be allowed. AWS uses the principle of least privilege, so if permissions are not explicitly granted, they are by default denied.

What are policy conditions and how can they be used in an S3 bucket policy?

Policy conditions in an S3 bucket policy allow the bucket owner to specify constraints or conditions under which the policy statement applies. Conditions can be based on various factors, such as IP address, date/time, whether MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) is used, SSL/TLS usage, etc. By using conditions, you can enforce fine-grained access control to your S3 resources, for example, allowing access to an S3 bucket only from a certain IP range during specific times.

When would you use cross-account access in S3 bucket policies, and what’s the benefit?

Cross-account access in S3 bucket policies is used when you want to grant access to your S3 buckets to users from another AWS account. This can be beneficial when working with partners, subcontractors, or separate departments within an organization that use different AWS accounts. It allows for secure sharing of resources without the need to create IAM users in your own account for external entities.

How can you ensure that objects uploaded to an S3 bucket are encrypted by default?

To ensure that objects uploaded to an S3 bucket are encrypted by default, you can use a bucket policy to deny PUT requests that don’t include the x-amz-server-side-encryption header. Alternatively, you can also enable default encryption in the bucket settings, which will apply server-side encryption to all new objects without the need to specify it during upload.

What are some best practices for securing sensitive data in S3 buckets?

Best practices for securing sensitive data in S3 buckets include enabling bucket versioning to protect against accidental deletions, using S3’s default encryption feature to encrypt data at rest, implementing least privilege access by crafting precise bucket policies and IAM policies, enabling logging and monitoring with AWS CloudTrail and Amazon S3 access logs, employing MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) deletion protection, and following the AWS shared responsibility model by keeping the data encrypted in transit (using SSL/TLS).

How do bucket policies help with regulatory compliance when using S3 for data storage?

Bucket policies help with regulatory compliance by allowing you to enforce specific access controls and conditions to meet various compliance requirements. For example, you can restrict access to data in S3 buckets to specific IP addresses or insist on secure data transfer protocols, thus addressing compliance concerns for data residency and data protection.

Can you explain the difference between ‘s3:*’ and specific actions like ‘s3:GetObject’ in a bucket policy?

The ‘s3:*’ is a wildcard permission in a bucket policy that represents all possible actions within the S3 namespace. When used, it grants the specified principal permission to perform any action on the specified resources. In contrast, specifying an action like ‘s3:GetObject’ grants permission for that specific action only. This is far more restrictive and aligned with the principle of least privilege, allowing for finer control over access permissions.

How would you prevent accidental deletion of objects in an S3 bucket through a policy?

To prevent accidental deletion of objects in an S3 bucket through a policy, you can use a bucket policy to deny the s3:DeleteObject permission. Additionally, you can enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) delete on the bucket, which requires additional authentication to delete versioned objects, adding another layer of protection against accidental deletions.

What is the effect of making an S3 bucket public, and how would you control this using a bucket policy?

Making an S3 bucket public gives anyone on the internet permission to view and possibly manipulate the data in the bucket, which might lead to data breaches. To control access via a bucket policy, you can enforce specific rules to block public access altogether or conditionally allow it. AWS also provides the option to block all public access at the bucket or account level as a safeguard against public exposure.

Is it possible to restrict access to an S3 bucket based on the HTTP referer header? If so, how would you do that in a bucket policy?

Yes, it’s possible to restrict access based on the HTTP referer header by using a condition in the bucket policy to allow or deny access based on the value of the “aws:Referer” key. This can be an additional safeguard to ensure that requests are coming from trusted domains. However, this isn’t foolproof since the referer header can be spoofed, so it should not be the sole method of securing your S3 buckets.

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Ajith Suvarna
4 months ago

Great post on S3 bucket policies! Really helped me understand some tricky concepts.

Aashish Sullad
3 months ago

Can someone explain how S3 bucket policies differ from ACLs in the context of AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty exam?

Omar Vollen
4 months ago

Fantastic explanation! This cleared up a lot of confusion I had about S3 bucket policies vs ACLs.

Nalmir Mendes
4 months ago

Is it necessary to use IAM roles when configuring S3 bucket policies for machine learning workflows?

Lucille Peters
3 months ago

Thanks for sharing this informative blog post!

Edita Temnickiy
4 months ago

I noticed the example policies were very helpful. Does anyone have additional real-world examples that can help me prepare for the AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty exam?

Boris Geiger
3 months ago

One of the best articles I’ve read on S3 bucket policies. Simple and to the point.

Lise Lauritsen
4 months ago

Could someone explain how VPC endpoints play a role in S3 bucket policies?

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