
In Azure SQL Solutions, you can take advantage of cloud storage to create backups and restore databases. This allows you to ensure data durability, security, and availability. In this article, we will explore the process of backing up and restoring databases to and from cloud storage in Azure SQL Solutions.

Why Backup to Cloud Storage?

Backing up your databases to cloud storage offers several advantages over traditional on-premises backup methods. Cloud storage provides secure and durable storage for your backups, eliminating the need for physical storage devices. It also enables easy scalability, as cloud storage can accommodate the growth of your backups seamlessly. Additionally, cloud storage allows for efficient data transfers, reducing the time needed for backup and restore operations.

Configuring Azure Storage Account

Before you can begin backing up your Azure SQL databases to cloud storage, you need to configure an Azure Storage account. Follow these steps to set up your storage account:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal (
  2. Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Storage account”.
  3. Click on “Storage account – blob, file, table, queue” from the search results.
  4. Click on “Create” to start the storage account creation process.
  5. Provide the required details, such as the subscription, resource group, storage account name, and region. You can choose the appropriate replication option based on your requirements.
  6. Click on “Review + create” and then click on “Create” to create the storage account.

Once your storage account is created, you can proceed with configuring backup and restore in Azure SQL Solutions.

Backup to Cloud Storage

To back up your Azure SQL databases to cloud storage, you can use the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. Here, we will focus on using the Azure portal for simplicity.

Follow these steps to create a backup of your Azure SQL database to cloud storage:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Navigate to your Azure SQL database.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click on “Backup” under the “Operations” section.
  4. Click on “Configure backup” to start the configuration process.
  5. Select the storage account you previously created from the drop-down menu.
  6. Choose a retention period for your backups, specifying how long you want to keep them.
  7. Click on “Save” to save the backup configuration.

Azure SQL Solutions will now start creating backups of your database to the specified cloud storage. You can monitor the backup progress in the Azure portal.

Restore from Cloud Storage

Restoring your databases from cloud storage is also straightforward in Azure SQL Solutions. Follow these steps to restore a database from a backup stored in cloud storage:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Navigate to your Azure SQL database.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click on “Restore” under the “Operations” section.
  4. Select the backup you want to restore from the available options.
  5. Choose the appropriate restore point for your backup.
  6. Configure the restore options, such as the target database name, server, and pricing tier.
  7. Click on “Restore” to initiate the restore process.

Azure SQL Solutions will now restore your database from the backup stored in cloud storage. You can track the progress of the restore operation in the Azure portal.


Backup and restore operations are vital for ensuring the availability and integrity of your data. Azure SQL Solutions provides a seamless way to backup and restore your databases to and from cloud storage, leveraging the advantages of scalability, durability, and security offered by Azure Storage.

By configuring your Azure SQL database to back up to cloud storage, you can mitigate the risk of data loss and simplify your backup strategy. Similarly, restoring your database from cloud storage allows you to quickly recover from any potential issues.

Utilize the power of cloud storage and Azure SQL Solutions to protect your data and streamline your backup and restore processes.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: Azure SQL Database Automated Backups are enabled by default.

Correct answer: True.

True/False: Azure SQL Managed Instance allows backups to be stored in a different Azure region.

Correct answer: True.

True/False: Azure Blob storage can be used as a backup destination for Azure SQL Database.

Correct answer: True.

True/False: In Azure SQL Database, Point-in-Time Restore is only available for databases in the Basic, Standard, and Premium service tiers.

Correct answer: False.

True/False: Azure SQL Managed Instance supports restoring a database from a backup stored in an Azure Storage account that is in a different subscription.

Correct answer: True.

Single select: What is the maximum retention period for automated backups of Azure SQL Database?

  • a. 7 days
  • b. 14 days
  • c. 30 days
  • d. 180 days

Correct answer: c. 30 days.

Single select: Which Azure service allows you to perform long-term retention backups for Azure SQL Database?

  • a. Azure Backup
  • b. Azure Storage
  • c. Azure Virtual Machines
  • d. Azure Data Lake Storage

Correct answer: a. Azure Backup.

Multiple select: Which of the following options are available for restoring an Azure SQL Managed Instance database?

  • a. Point-in-Time Restore
  • b. Copy-only Restore
  • c. Geo-Restore
  • d. Cross-Region Restore

Correct answer: a. Point-in-Time Restore, c. Geo-Restore, d. Cross-Region Restore.

Multiple select: What are the benefits of using Azure Blob storage for backups in Azure SQL Database?

  • a. Lower storage costs
  • b. Improved performance for backup and restore operations
  • c. Geographic redundancy for backups
  • d. Encryption of backup files at rest

Correct answer: a. Lower storage costs, c. Geographic redundancy for backups, d. Encryption of backup files at rest.

Single select: Which command can be used to restore an Azure SQL Database from a backup file stored in Azure Blob storage?



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Yolanda Sanz
1 year ago

Great article on backup and restore. Could someone explain the performance implications of using Azure blob storage for SQL database backups?

Sherry Owens
1 year ago

This was very helpful. I’m studying for the DP-300 and this gave me a lot of insight.

Louis Moreau
1 year ago

I have been using Azure Backup and noticed that my restore times are sometimes slow. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Hortênsia Rezende
1 year ago

How does incremental backup work with Azure SQL?

Oğuzhan Tuğlu
1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed guide!

Ignjat Simić
11 months ago

I’ve been backing up my databases to LRS (Locally Redundant Storage). Should I consider GRS (Geo-Redundant Storage) instead?

Rosario Cortes
1 year ago

Appreciate the blog post!

Darrell Simpson
1 year ago

Could someone explain the cost factors involved in using Azure for backups?

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