
These non-functional requirements encompass a broad range of aspects, including operations and security, that are fundamental to the overall success of the solution being implemented. They reflect the specific characteristics that are crucial for the performance, usability, stability, and scalability of the solution.

I. Understanding Non-functional Requirements:

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are requirements that affect the overall architecture of the system rather than individual features or functions. These might involve system performance, operability, maintainability, security, compliance, or interrelations among these elements. NFRs are central in defining the overall environmental context within which the solution operates and can critically influence its successful implementation.

Examples of NFRs include:

  • Performance: Aspects like system speed, responsiveness, resource usage, throughput, and latency.
  • Reliability: The ability of the system to perform without failure over a specified period.
  • Security: Measures to protect data privacy, ensure user authentication, prevent unauthorized access and protect against cyber threats.
  • Operability: Ease of operation and maintenance, availability of support and system monitoring tools.

II. Eliciting Non-functional Requirements:

Eliciting NFRs involves clear communication with stakeholders to understand the operational context and constraints of the solution. This might involve interviews, surveys, workshops, or brainstorming sessions with the customers, users, and operational teams.

For instance, dialogues with stakeholders may reveal that the solution should accommodate up to a thousand simultaneous users or has to comply with a particular data protection regulation. It is crucial that such requirements are captured and described accurately.

III. Prioritizing Non-functional Requirements:

Just like functional requirements, NFRs also need to be prioritized as not all of them can be met at the same time due to constraints in time, resources, and technology.

The prioritization of non-functional requirements can be done using methods like the MoSCoW model (Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won’t have) or the five factors of the Kano model (Attractive, One-dimensional, Must-Be, Indifferent, and Reverse).

Table: MoSCoW Model for NFR Prioritization

Category Description
Must have NFRs that are critical for operational success
Should have Important but not vital NFRs
Could have Nice to have NFRs
Won’t have NFRs to be considered in the future

IV. Mitigating the Probability of Failure:

The proper elicitation and prioritization of non-functional requirements can significantly mitigate the probability of failure. This is because NFRs offer insights into the operational environment of the solution and underscore any potential risks or impediments.

To further reduce the risk of failure, consider having regular reviews and updates of NFRs to reflect any changes in user expectations, organizational goals, or statutory and regulatory requirements.

As we conclude, remember that eliciting and prioritizing non-functional requirements not only enhances the dependability, security, and operability of the solution, but also reduces the likelihood of failure, pushing up the probability of project success within the PMI Agile framework. Additionally, having an exhaustive and prioritized non-functional requirements list significantly increases the predictability of the project, allowing the team to prepare comprehensively for potential risks or hurdles along the way.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Non-functional requirements are not important to consider when minimizing the probability of failure for a solution.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Non-functional requirements, including operations and security, play a crucial role in the overall performance, utility, and reliability of a solution. They should be properly identified and prioritized to minimize the chances of system failures.

Multiple Select: Which of the following are types of non-functional requirements to consider in a project?

  • A) Security
  • B) Usability
  • C) Functionality
  • D) Performance

Answer: A, B, D

Explanation: Security, Usability, and Performance are non-functional requirements that need to be taken into account for a project. Functionality, though also an important aspect, is typically considered a functional requirement.

True or False: The environment plays no role in determining the non-functional requirements for a solution.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: The environment can greatly affect which non-functional requirements are prioritized. Certain environments may have specific security, operational or performance needs.

Single Select: Eliciting and prioritizing non-functional requirements is primarily whose responsibility?

  • A) Project Manager
  • B) Product Owner
  • C) Developer
  • D) Stakeholder

Answer: A, Project Manager

Explanation: While all team members play a role, the Project Manager is typically responsible for eliciting and setting the priorities for non-functional requirements.

True or False: Non-functional requirements should always be prioritized over functional requirements.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: The priority between functional and non-functional requirements often depends on the specific project. Some projects may need more focus on functionality, while others may be more concerned with non-functional aspects like security or reliability.

Multiple Select: Non-functional requirements may include considerations of?

  • A) Security capabilities
  • B) Operational needs
  • C) User interface design
  • D) Core functions of the software

Answer: A, B,

Explanation: Non-functional requirements refer to the operational aspects of a solution, such as security capabilities and operational needs. Meanwhile, user interface designs and core functions of the software are examples of functional requirements.

Single Select: Prioritizing non-functional requirements is done to:

  • A) Increase user satisfaction
  • B) Reduce costs
  • C) Minimize the probability of failure
  • D) All of the above

Answer: D, All of the above

Explanation: Prioritizing non-functional requirements does not only minimize the probability of failure, but it also aims to increase user satisfaction and reduce various costs.

True or False: The Project Manager should consider the environment of the end users when determining non-functional requirements.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: The environment in which the solution will be used often determines the non-functional requirements, such as security and operational capabilities.

Multiple Select: The process of eliciting non-functional requirements involves:

  • A) Understanding the business context
  • B) Identifying stakeholders
  • C) Prioritizing system functionalities
  • D) Defining system behavior

Answer: A, B, D

Explanation: Eliciting non-functional requirements involves understanding the business context, identifying stakeholders, and their needs, and defining system behavior. Prioritizing system functionalities, on the other hand, is part of eliciting functional requirements.

True or False: Non-functional requirements are only considered during the design and implementation phases of a project.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Non-functional requirements are critical and should be considered throughout all phases of a project starting from elicit conception to maintenance and upgrades.

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Vojin Perić
11 months ago

Great post! Very informative on how crucial non-functional requirements are.

Savannah Davies
9 months ago

I appreciate the detailed explanation on prioritizing non-functional requirements.

Esat Ekici
1 year ago

Can someone explain the main difference between functional and non-functional requirements in Agile?

Alexander Pascual
10 months ago

How do you ensure security is considered without compromising Agile principles?

Tilde Jensen
11 months ago

Portfolio management in Agile can be complex. Any thoughts?

Heinz-Jürgen Geis
10 months ago

Including non-functional requirements from the start minimizes rework. Great insight!

Teodoro Santiago
11 months ago

Can anyone share experiences of non-functional requirements affecting project outcomes?

Vinjar Viddal
9 months ago

Risk management plays a significant role in Agile, especially for non-functional requirements.

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