
Scrum Framework:

Scrum, an iterative and incremental agile software development framework, is primarily used for managing product development. It encourages open communication, flexibility, and teamwork. Scrum divides a project into smaller parts that are tackled in successive sprints – time-boxed iterations of one to four weeks.

As part of the Scrum Framework for product planning, the following steps are typically followed:

  1. Product Backlog Creation: This is a comprehensive list of all features, changes, and fixes that need to be made to the product in future releases.
  2. Sprint Planning: This involves deciding what to do in the next sprint based on the priority list from the product backlog.
  3. Sprint Review and Retrospective: The team discusses what was done in the sprint, what problems occurred, and how they could be addressed better in the future.

Flow-Based Forecasting:

Flow-Based Forecasting, on the other hand, is more flexible a forecasting technique which focuses on the continuous flow of work. It aims to improve productivity by controlling work-in-progress (WIP) and decreasing batch size of work items.

Steps involved in Flow-Based Forecasting include:

  1. Visualizing Work: This is often done using Kanban Boards, which illustrate the state of every part of a project or workflow.
  2. Limiting Work in Progress: Restricting the number of concurrent tasks can help reduce context-switching, improve focus, and speed up completion times.
  3. Managing Flow: Measure and manage the work flow in terms of cycle time, lead time, throughput etc., to predict future performance and make decisions.

Here is a comparison table summarizing these two techniques:

Comparison Aspect Scrum Framework Flow-Based Forecasting
Focus Iterative Product Development Continuous Flow of Work
Timeline Time-boxed Iterations (sprints) No specific timeline
Work Management Handles work in batches (per sprint) Limits Work-in-Progress
Flexibility Changes allowed only between sprints Changes can be made anytime
Feedback Post Sprint Continuous
Predictability Less predictable due to time-boxed nature More predictable as it is based on flow metrics

In practice, Scrum is more suitable when there are vastly different tasks running simultaneously, and clearer segregation of tasks is needed. Whereas, Flow-Based Forecasting works best when tasks are of a similar type and batch size, allowing for a smooth, continuous flow of work.

While both these techniques have their pros and cons, the key to a successful product plan or forecast is to use a combination of these techniques where appropriate. As a Certified Scrum Professional – Product Owner (CSP-PO), understanding your team’s strength and weaknesses, nature of the tasks and project requirements would help to decide the optimal method to adopt.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: The Delphi Method is a technique that involves iterative estimation process.

Answer: True

Explanation: The Delphi Method is a forecasting technique that comprises of detailed, iterative estimations to ascertain the probable occurrence of an event.

In time-series forecasting, which of the following is NOT considered?

  • A. Seasonal variations
  • B. Random variations
  • C. Systematic variations
  • D. All the above

Answer: D. All the above

Explanation: In time-series forecasting, all types of variations – seasonal, random, and systematic are taken into consideration to predict data points based on previous data.

True or False: Agile Estimation technique considers the time and effort necessary to complete a particular task in product development.

Answer: True

Explanation: Agile Estimation is a key technique in product development planning that involves estimating the time and effort that would be required to carry out a given task.

When using the Kanban system, which aspect is critical in creating an efficient product plan?

  • A. Classifying tasks into “to do”, “in progress”, and “done”
  • B. Determining the average amount of resources used
  • C. Identifying the degree of variability in task size
  • D. Both A and C

Answer: D. Both A and C

Explanation: When using Kanban, classifying tasks into different categories and identifying the variability in task size are both essential to creating a successful product plan.

The Scrum technique for product plan development considers which of the following?

  • A. Product backlog
  • B. Sprint backlog
  • C. Defined user stories
  • D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Explanation: Scrum technique takes into account the product backlog, sprint backlog, and defined user stories while developing a product plan.

True or False: Trend Projection technique of forecasting assumes that the factors influencing the future will remain unchanged.

Answer: True

Explanation: The Trend Projection method indeed assumes that the factors influencing future variations will remain the same.

The MOVING AVERAGE forecasting technique is commonly used in situations with:

  • A. No significant trend or seasonality
  • B. Significant trend and seasonality
  • C. Unpredictable trend with stable seasonality
  • D. Irregular trend and seasonality

Answer: A. No significant trend or seasonality

Explanation: Moving average technique is usually used in forecasting when there is no significant trend or seasonality.

Which forecasting technique relies on opinions and inputs from various experts?

  • A. Delphi Method
  • B. Time series forecasting
  • C. Trend Projection
  • D. Moving Average

Answer: A. Delphi Method

Explanation: Delphi Method is a structured forecasting method that relies on a panel of expert’s opinions.

Scrum and Kanban both emphasize:

  • A. Predictive planning
  • B. Continual delivery of work
  • C. Top-down management approach
  • D. Detailed documentation

Answer: B. Continual delivery of work

Explanation: Both Scrum and Kanban emphasize on the continual and incremental delivery of work.

True or False: One of the differences between the Agile estimation and Scrum technique is that Agile estimation gives a detailed estimation of effort, while Scrum focuses on delivering a potentially shippable product increment.

Answer: True

Explanation: Agile emphasizes more on the estimated effort needed for tasks, while Scrum is all about delivering potentially shippable increments to the client.

Both Delphi and Trend Projection methods needs historical data to do forecasting and planning.

Answer: False

Explanation: The Delphi method relies on expert opinion, not historical data. The Trend Projection method uses historical data to make projections.

Which of the following is NOT a tool for product planning and forecasting in the Agile environment?

  • A. Burndown chart
  • B. Gantt chart
  • C. User Stories
  • D. Epics

Answer: B. Gantt chart

Explanation: Gantt charts are often associated with traditional project management, not agile methodologies. Burndown charts, User Stories and Epics are common agile tools.

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Phillip Burns
5 months ago

Great post! I think comparing story mapping with user personas is a good starting point. Both are crucial for product planning.

Alexa Webb
6 months ago

Thanks for the comprehensive article. Information like this helps a lot during my CSP-PO exam prep.

William Dunn
4 months ago

I’ve found that using MoSCoW prioritization along with affinity mapping enhances the product planning phase significantly.

Florencia Rendón
5 months ago

Appreciate the insights!

مرسانا سلطانی نژاد

I prefer using SWOT analysis alongside a risk matrix for product forecasting. It covers all the possible outcomes effectively.

Galina Sokolović
6 months ago

Very helpful post. Thank you!

Ladina Aubert
6 months ago

Has anyone tried combining impact mapping with Kano model? I feel like they complement each other well.

Natalya Yurkiv
6 months ago

Great article!

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