Tutorial / Cram Notes

Especially when preparing for exams like the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C02). In AWS, identifying underutilized and overutilized resources involves collecting and reviewing data from various monitoring and reporting tools, ensuring cost optimization and performance efficiency.

To begin with, AWS provides a suite of tools that can help in generating useful usage reports. Services like AWS Cost Explorer for cost and usage analysis, AWS Trusted Advisor for optimizing AWS infrastructure, and Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring are essential for this analysis.

Using AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer allows you to visualize and understand your AWS spending and usage patterns over time. It provides detailed reports of resource utilization that can help architects identify underutilized resources. Here’s an approach to using it:

  1. Navigate to AWS Cost Explorer and configure the reporting period and granularity.
  2. Choose filter options based on service, linked accounts, tags, or other dimensions.
  3. Create a Usage Report that displays usage details per resource.
  4. Identify underutilized resources by looking for low utilization patterns over the selected period.

For example, you might find an EC2 instance type that is consistently running at less than 10% CPU utilization despite being reserved for a higher capacity. This could indicate an opportunity to downsize the instance or terminate it if it’s no longer needed.

Leveraging AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Trusted Advisor inspects your AWS environment and provides real-time recommendations in five categories: cost optimization, performance, security, fault tolerance, and service limits. For resource utilization, the Cost Optimization and Performance sections are most relevant.

  1. Access AWS Trusted Advisor through the AWS Management Console.
  2. Look for ‘Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances’ recommendations.
  3. Review recommendations on ‘Amazon EBS Volumes’ that can be trimmed for cost savings.

AWS Trusted Advisor can present a list of EC2 instances that have run at a low CPU utilization over the past 14 days, suggesting either downsizing or shutting down.

Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch provides detailed monitoring of AWS resources, offering insights that can be used to identify overutilization.

  1. Set up detailed monitoring for your EC2 instances, RDS instances, and other services.
  2. Set alarms to be notified of high utilization events that could indicate overutilization.
  3. Review metrics such as CPU Utilization, Network In/Out, and Read/Write Disk Operations.

For instance, consistently high CPU Utilization on an EC2 instance could suggest the need for scaling up or load balancing to better distribute traffic and reduce strain on a single resource.

Optimization Actions

Based on the analysis, you can take several actions for optimization:

  • For Underutilization: Resize instances, consolidate workloads, or terminate unnecessary resources.
  • For Overutilization: Increase instance sizes, scale out, or utilize auto-scaling features.

Example of a Comparative Utilization Table

Resource Expected Utilization Actual Utilization Status Recommendation
EC2 instance 50-60% CPU 10% CPU Underutilized Downsize to a smaller instance
RDS instance 70-80% CPU 95% CPU Overutilized Upgrade instance class
EBS Volume 300 IOPS 20 IOPS Underutilized Move to a smaller volume type

Automating Analysis with AWS Lambda & Tags

You can automate resource optimization by using AWS Lambda in conjunction with tagging to create scripts that analyze metrics and make adjustments based on predefined thresholds:

import boto3

# Define the AWS resources you are monitoring
ec2 = boto3.client(‘ec2’)
cloudwatch = boto3.client(‘cloudwatch’)

# Function to analyze EC2 utilization based on CloudWatch metrics
def analyze_ec2_utilization(instance_id):
response = cloudwatch.get_metric_statistics(
Dimensions=[{‘Name’: ‘InstanceId’, ‘Value’: instance_id}],

# Assume threshold for underutilization is below 20%
if response[‘Datapoints’][0][‘Average’] < 20: print(f"Instance {instance_id} is underutilized. Consider downsizing.") else: print(f"Instance {instance_id} utilization is within expected range.") # Example EC2 instance ID instance_id = 'i-1234567890abcdef0' analyze_ec2_utilization(instance_id)

The combination of these tools and techniques form a robust strategy for managing AWS resources, which is an essential skill set for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam. Regularly analyzing usage reports to adjust resources will not only optimize costs but also ensure that infrastructure meets the needs of applications running on AWS.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: AWS CloudWatch can be used to monitor EC2 instance CPU utilization.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A

Explanation: AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring service that provides data and actionable insights for AWS, hybrid, and on-premises applications and infrastructure resources. It can specifically monitor metrics such as EC2 instance CPU utilization.

Which AWS service allows you to visualize your AWS Cloud usage and costs over time?

  • (A) AWS Cost Explorer
  • (B) AWS Trusted Advisor
  • (C) AWS Budgets
  • (D) AWS CloudTrail

Answer: A

Explanation: AWS Cost Explorer is a tool that enables you to visualize your usage patterns and costs over time, helping you to identify trends and uncover opportunities for cost optimization.

True or False: AWS Trusted Advisor does not provide insights on cost optimization and resource utilization.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B

Explanation: AWS Trusted Advisor provides real-time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices, including recommendations on cost optimization and improving resource utilization.

To analyze and manage your resource utilization and costs effectively, which AWS service would you primarily use?

  • (A) Amazon QuickSight
  • (B) Amazon S3
  • (C) AWS Cost and Usage Report
  • (D) AWS Lambda

Answer: C

Explanation: The AWS Cost and Usage Report contains the most comprehensive set of AWS cost and usage data available, which can be used to analyze and manage your resource utilization and costs.

True or False: Amazon Redshift can play a critical role in analyzing usage reports due to its data warehousing capabilities.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A

Explanation: Amazon Redshift, being a fast, scalable data warehouse, can be integral in analyzing large-scale usage reports, aiding in the identification of underutilized and overutilized resources.

Which of the following AWS services could help identify underutilized Amazon EC2 instances based on metrics provided?

  • (A) Amazon CloudFront
  • (B) AWS Lambda
  • (C) AWS Trusted Advisor
  • (D) Amazon Route 53

Answer: C

Explanation: AWS Trusted Advisor checks can identify underutilized Amazon EC2 instances by analyzing the instance’s utilization metrics.

True or False: AWS Auto Scaling groups cannot help in adjusting capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B

Explanation: AWS Auto Scaling helps you maintain application availability and allows you to scale your Amazon EC2 capacity up or down automatically according to conditions you define, optimizing performance and cost.

Which AWS feature/tool provides actionable insights to resolve potential issues before they affect your business?

  • (A) AWS X-Ray
  • (B) Amazon Inspector
  • (C) AWS Personal Health Dashboard
  • (D) AWS CloudFormation

Answer: C

Explanation: The AWS Personal Health Dashboard provides alerts and remediation guidance for AWS resource issues that might affect your environment. It helps you to identify and fix issues before they impact your business.

When considering storage solutions on AWS, that company might over-provision resources due to anticipating growth. Which feature can help manage storage costs effectively?

  • (A) Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering
  • (B) Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access
  • (C) Amazon Glacier
  • (D) All of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: All of the options mentioned help manage storage costs by offering various storage tiers that cater to different access patterns and data lifecycle stages.

True or False: AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) only distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, and it cannot be used to identify overutilized resources.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B

Explanation: While AWS ELB primarily distributes incoming traffic, monitoring the metrics associated with ELB can also provide insights into resource utilization which could help identify overutilized resources.

Which of the following is NOT typically a metric used for analyzing AWS usage to optimize costs?

  • (A) Storage capacity utilization
  • (B) The number of active users on a system
  • (C) Data transfer in/out rates
  • (D) The color scheme of your EC2 dashboard

Answer: D

Explanation: The color scheme of your EC2 dashboard is not a metric and has no relevance when analyzing AWS usage for cost optimization. It’s a part of the user interface design.

True or False: AWS Cost Anomaly Detection only allows you to view anomalies retrospectively and does not provide real-time alerts.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B

Explanation: AWS Cost Anomaly Detection service enables you to uncover unusual spend and set up real-time alert notifications. It allows for both retrospective analysis and real-time monitoring of spending anomalies.

Interview Questions

Can you describe how AWS CloudWatch can assist in analyzing usage reports to identify underutilized and overutilized resources?

AWS CloudWatch can monitor metrics and logs, set alarms, and automatically react to changes in AWS resources. It provides detailed usage reports which help to identify underutilized resources, such as instances with low CPU or network utilization, and overutilized resources, like those nearing their capacity. By setting appropriate thresholds for alarms, users can proactively manage resource optimization.

What methods can you employ in AWS to ensure cost-effective scaling without underutilizing or overutilizing resources?

AWS offers Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing. Auto Scaling automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances according to conditions defined by the user, ensuring sufficient capacity without overprovisioning. Elastic Load Balancing distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, like EC2 instances, for better resource utilization and fault tolerance.

What is AWS Trusted Advisor, and how does it help in resource optimization?

AWS Trusted Advisor is a service that inspects your AWS environment and provides real-time recommendations in different categories. For resource optimization, it identifies EC2 instances with low utilization, suggests reserved instance purchases, and highlights underutilized EBS volumes to reduce costs and improve system efficiency.

Can you explain the differences between Reserved Instances and Spot Instances, and when it would be appropriate to use each in the context of managing resource utilization?

Reserved Instances are a billing mechanism that provides a significant discount compared to On-Demand Instances, suitable for predictable workloads with consistent usage. Spot Instances, on the other hand, allow users to bid for spare AWS capacity at a lower price, suitable for flexible start and end time applications or for workloads that can withstand interruptions.

In what ways does the AWS Cost Explorer tool assist organizations in identifying underutilized and overutilized resources?

AWS Cost Explorer provides a visual interface to analyze and understand AWS spend. It offers detailed insights into usage patterns, allowing organizations to identify trends of underutilization (like consistently low-utilization instances) or overutilization (where additional scaling might be cost-effective). It works for spotting cost-saving opportunities and inefficiencies.

How might you utilize AWS Budgets to prevent overutilization of resources?

AWS Budgets enables you to set custom budgets to monitor your cost and usage. By setting up cost thresholds, you can receive notifications before your resource usage goes beyond your planned budget, preventing unexpected expenses and encouraging review of overutilization.

How would you leverage AWS Tagging to manage resource utilization?

By implementing a detailed tagging strategy, you can track resource usage at a granular level. Tags categorize resources by project, department, or environment, allowing for deeper analysis within cost management tools and enabling better allocation and optimization of resources based on usage data.

Describe a time when you used historical usage data to right-size an application’s environment within AWS.

By analyzing historical usage data from CloudWatch and Cost Explorer, I identified a pattern of consistent underutilization of certain EC2 instances. I then resized these instances to match the actual workload demand, resulting in cost savings while maintaining performance.

Discuss how AWS Lambda can contribute to the efficient utilization of resources in comparison to continuously running services.

AWS Lambda runs code in response to events, only using resources when code is actually executing. This allows for a significant reduction in resource wastage compared to hosting services on continuously running EC2 instances for sporadic or unpredictable workloads.

Explain the role of AWS Compute Optimizer in resource optimization.

AWS Compute Optimizer recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads by analyzing historical utilization metrics. It helps identify instances that are oversized or undersized, suggesting changes to instance types or families, leading to better performance and cost-efficiency.

How do AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS Fargate support the management of resource utilization?

AWS Elastic Beanstalk simplifies the deployment of applications, managing the scaling and provisioning of resources automatically to match application demands. AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers that abstracts the server and cluster management, only charging for the resources that your containerized applications consume.

What AWS tools or services would you recommend for performing predictive scaling?

AWS Auto Scaling supports predictive scaling, which automatically schedules the right number of EC2 instances based on predicted demand. The service uses machine learning to analyze historical workload data and forecasts future demands to pre-emptively launch instances ahead of anticipated load changes.

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Aras Gashi
3 months ago

Great post on analyzing AWS usage reports! Very informative.

Holger Renaud
3 months ago

Thanks for sharing this. It really helps to understand how to spot underutilized resources.

مانی یاسمی
4 months ago

Can someone explain how to set up automated alerts for overutilized instances?

Sina Nur
3 months ago

Useful insights on optimizing AWS costs. Thanks for the post!

کیمیا احمدی
3 months ago

This is really helpful for preparing for the SAP-C02 exam. Appreciate it!

Max Washington
3 months ago

For me, the biggest challenge is differentiating between seasonal spikes and real overutilization. Any tips?

Leonel Mendes
3 months ago

Anyone using third-party tools to better manage their AWS usage reports?

Balendra Kulkarni
3 months ago

Appreciate the detailed explanation of the Cost Explorer.

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