Tutorial / Cram Notes

The first step to controlling expenditure is understanding how AWS charges for services. AWS has a pay-as-you-go pricing model where you pay only for the resources you use. This can include charges based on compute hours, storage space, data transfer, requests, and other service-specific metrics.

Setting Up Budgets and Alerts

AWS Budgets allows you to set custom budgets that alert you when your costs or usage exceed your set thresholds. You can define budgets based on different parameters such as service, linked account, tags, etc.


  • Go to the AWS Budgets Dashboard
  • Click on “Create Budget”
  • Select “Cost Budget” or “Usage Budget”
  • Set the budget amount, period (monthly, quarterly, or annually), and the thresholds for alerts
  • Choose the services and accounts to apply the budget to
  • Set the notification options (email or SNS topic)

Tagging Resources

Tagging AWS resources helps in allocating costs to different departments, projects, or environments, such as development, staging, and production. Tags consist of a key and a value, both of which you define.

For example:

  • Key: Environment, Value: Production
  • Key: Project, Value: PhoenixApp

Cost Allocation Reports and Cost Explorer

Cost Allocation Reports and the AWS Cost Explorer are tools that provide detailed insights into your AWS spending and usage patterns. These can be filtered by various dimensions such as service, account, tags, etc.

Cost Explorer example:

  • Access the AWS Cost Explorer from the AWS Management Console.
  • Use the filtering options to view data for specific services, accounts, time periods, or tags.
  • Generate visual representations of your spend (e.g., pie charts, line charts) to identify trends.
  • Export the data for further analysis.

Using AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Trusted Advisor checks your account and provides recommendations on cost optimization, along with performance, security, and fault tolerance. It highlights underutilized resources which you could downscale or terminate to reduce costs.

Implementing Cost Control Mechanisms

There are several mechanisms you can implement to control costs:

  • Reservations and Savings Plans: Both provide cost savings compared to on-demand pricing in return for committing to a certain level of usage for a period.
  • Auto Scaling: Automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances or other resources in response to demand, keeping costs in line with usage.
  • Spot Instances: Leveraging Spot Instances for non-critical or flexible workloads can reduce costs significantly.
  • Delete Unused Resources: Regularly identify and terminate unused or old instances, volumes, snapshots, and other services.

Creating Cost-Effective Architectures

Designing cost-effective architectures involves making smart decisions about resource types, sizes, and services to use:

  • Use Managed Services: Opt for services like AWS Lambda, Amazon RDS, or Amazon S3 that abstract underlying infrastructure management, and you pay only for what you use.
  • Implement Caching: Use services like Amazon CloudFront and Amazon ElastiCache to reduce the load on your origin resources, thus saving costs.
  • Choose the Right Database: Select the most cost-effective database service that meets your requirements, such as Amazon RDS for relational databases or Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL needs.


Expenditure and usage awareness in AWS is a combination of understanding the pricing model, proactively monitoring and managing your usage, taking advantage of cost-saving features, and architecting solutions that are efficient and scalable. As AWS evolves, it continually provides new tools and services for cost management, which Solutions Architects should regularly explore and make the most of for optimal system design.

Practice Test with Explanation

True/False: AWS Budgets can be used to set custom cost and usage budgets that trigger alerts when costs exceed the budgeted amount.

  • True

Correct Answer: True

Explanation: AWS Budgets offers the ability to set custom cost and usage budgets and receive alerts when you approach or exceed your budgeted amount.

True/False: AWS Cost Explorer is a tool that is primarily used to monitor network traffic.

  • False

Correct Answer: False

Explanation: AWS Cost Explorer is used for visualizing, understanding, and managing AWS costs and usage over time, not for monitoring network traffic.

Which AWS service enables you to define and implement governance rules to manage cost and usage across multiple AWS accounts?

  • A) AWS Budgets
  • B) AWS Cost Explorer
  • C) AWS Organizations
  • D) Amazon CloudWatch

Correct Answer: C) AWS Organizations

Explanation: AWS Organizations helps in setting up and implementing governance rules across multiple AWS accounts, which includes management of costs and usage.

Multiple Select: Which of the following services can help in cost optimization? (Select TWO)

  • A) AWS Trusted Advisor
  • B) AWS Cost and Usage Report
  • C) AWS Direct Connect
  • D) Amazon CloudFront

Correct Answers: A) AWS Trusted Advisor, B) AWS Cost and Usage Report

Explanation: AWS Trusted Advisor provides real-time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices, and AWS Cost and Usage Report gives detailed information for cost management and optimization.

True/False: IAM roles can be used to restrict users’ ability to launch instances of certain types or sizes, hence controlling costs.

  • True

Correct Answer: True

Explanation: IAM roles can be configured to grant or restrict permissions, which can include restrictions on launching specific instance types or sizes to control costs.

Which of the following AWS features allows you to group and categorize your cost and usage reports?

  • A) Cost allocation tags
  • B) AWS Budgets
  • C) AWS Cost Explorer
  • D) AWS Price List API

Correct Answer: A) Cost allocation tags

Explanation: Cost allocation tags can be used to group and categorize costs and usage, making it easier to organize and track resource costs in AWS.

True/False: You should run all non-critical instances on-demand to minimize costs.

  • False

Correct Answer: False

Explanation: Utilizing Reserved Instances or Spot Instances for non-critical workloads can significantly reduce costs compared to on-demand pricing.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the AWS Free Tier?

  • A) Limited hours of Amazon EC2 usage per month
  • B) Unlimited storage in Amazon S3
  • C) Certain number of Amazon DynamoDB read and write units
  • D) Free usage tier for AWS Lambda

Correct Answer: B) Unlimited storage in Amazon S3

Explanation: The AWS Free Tier does not offer unlimited storage in Amazon S3; it provides a limited amount of free storage each month.

True/False: Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances require upfront payment for the entire reservation period.

  • False

Correct Answer: False

Explanation: Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances offer several payment options, including All Upfront, Partial Upfront, and No Upfront.

Multiple Select: Which AWS services provide detailed cost and usage reports? (Select TWO)

  • A) AWS Budgets
  • B) Amazon QuickSight
  • C) AWS Cost and Usage Report
  • D) AWS Cost Explorer

Correct Answers: C) AWS Cost and Usage Report, D) AWS Cost Explorer

Explanation: AWS Cost and Usage Report provides comprehensive cost and usage data, while AWS Cost Explorer allows for visualization and deeper analysis of data.

True/False: AWS Savings Plans provide flexible pricing options with discounts in exchange for a commitment to a consistent amount of usage for a one or three-year period.

  • True

Correct Answer: True

Explanation: AWS Savings Plans offer lower prices compared to on-demand rates in exchange for a commitment to a consistent amount of usage (e.g., compute usage or throughput) for a one or three-year term.

Single Select: What should you use to automatically turn off development environments during off-hours to save costs?

  • A) AWS Budgets
  • B) Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
  • C) AWS Lambda scheduled events
  • D) AWS Cost Explorer reservations

Correct Answer: C) AWS Lambda scheduled events

Explanation: AWS Lambda scheduled events can be used to invoke functions on a schedule and are ideal for automatically turning off resources during off-hours to save costs.

Interview Questions

What AWS tools can you use to monitor and control your AWS expenditure?

You can use AWS Budgets to set custom budgets to track your cost and usage from the simplest to the most complex use cases. AWS Cost Explorer is useful for analyzing your costs and usage. AWS Organizations help to centrally govern your environment as you grow and scale your workloads. Additionally, AWS CloudTrail captures detailed information about the API calls made to your AWS resources.

Describe a method you would use to ensure cost optimization for a multi-tier, highly available application on AWS.

To ensure cost optimization for a multi-tier, highly available application, I would use AWS Cost Explorer to identify trends and pinpoint cost drivers, as well as Reserved Instances and Savings Plans for predictable workloads. I’d also implement auto-scaling to adjust resources based on demand, and choose the right-sized EC2 instances or containers to avoid over-provisioning.

Can you explain how tagging can be used to manage costs in AWS?

Tags can be applied to AWS resources, allowing you to categorize and track your AWS costs on a more granular level. Tags can be used to allocate costs to different departments, projects, or environments. By using cost allocation tags, you can break down your bill and attribute costs to the correct entities.

How can AWS Trusted Advisor help in controlling expenditure?

AWS Trusted Advisor provides real-time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices. It provides cost-optimization recommendations such as identifying under-utilized or idle resources, opportunities for Reserved Instances, and advice to reduce data transfer costs, all of which can help control and potentially reduce expenditure.

What strategies would you deploy to manage data transfer costs in AWS?

To manage data transfer costs, I would optimize data transfer by choosing the right AWS region to reduce cross-region data transfer costs, use caching services like Amazon CloudFront to reduce data transfer from origins, and apply data compression techniques. Additionally, I would consider using private IP addresses and VPC Endpoints to transfer data within the AWS network, avoiding internet transfer charges.

How would you design an alert system for unexpected spikes in AWS expenditure?

I would create a billing alert using AWS CloudWatch and AWS Budgets to trigger notifications when there’s an abnormal spike in spending. These alerts can be configured to notify the responsible teams through email or integrate with other systems like Amazon SNS to trigger automated workflows in response to the alert.

What is the AWS Cost and Usage Report and how can it be used for controlling costs?

The AWS Cost and Usage Report provides detailed information regarding your AWS costs and usage. You can use this report to delve deep into your AWS spending and usage data and analyze it in various dimensions. The report can help identify areas of high spending, and allow for more informed decisions on where costs can be reduced.

How do you use AWS cost allocation tags effectively?

I use cost allocation tags by applying a consistent set of tags, such as Project, Environment, and Department, to all resources. These tags enable detailed cost tracking and allocation on the AWS bill. Tagging policies and enforced tagging can ensure that every provisioned resource includes the necessary tags for cost allocation.

Explain how you would use Reserved Instances and Savings Plans to manage AWS costs.

Reserved Instances (RIs) and Savings Plans both offer a way to save on AWS costs by committing to a certain level of usage for a one or three-year term. For predictable workloads with consistent usage, RIs provide discounted hourly rates. With Savings Plans, AWS provides flexibility to apply the discount across different instances family, OS, or tenancies.

How do you prioritize cost optimization in the design of cloud infrastructure?

During the design phase, I prioritize cost optimization by selecting the right type and size of instances based on workload needs, utilizing scalable and managed services, employing serverless architectures where applicable, using storage lifecycle policies for S3, and architecting for high availability without over-provisioning.

Describe the role of AWS IAM in controlling costs.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) plays a critical role in controlling costs by ensuring that users have the necessary permissions to perform their job without granting excess privileges that might lead to inadvertent resource provisionings, such as starting or scaling up expensive instances or services, which ultimately increase costs.

Discuss the importance of the AWS Well-Architected Framework in managing and optimizing cloud spend.

The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides a consistent approach to evaluating architectures against best practices and provides a set of strategies to help you compare your workload against AWS best practices. The cost optimization pillar specifically focuses on guiding developers to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price point. Following this framework helps organizations to make informed decisions that affect their cloud spending in both the short and long term.

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Lillie Rodriguez
3 months ago

This post is an excellent resource for understanding how to develop a strategy for expenditure awareness in preparation for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam.

Guiseppe Kriegel
4 months ago

Great insights! Implementing cost controls and monitoring usage is crucial for managing AWS services efficiently.

Jocilene Gomes
3 months ago

Thanks for this post, very useful information!

Anna Nielsen
3 months ago

Understanding AWS pricing mechanisms is complex but this guide breaks it down quite well.

Sara Moreno
3 months ago

Can someone elaborate on the tools AWS provides for monitoring expenditure and usage?

Piper Moore
3 months ago

This is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much.

Afet Çamdalı
3 months ago

I appreciate the step-by-step approach described here.

Dulce María Gamboa
4 months ago

It’s crucial to set clear budgets and monitor services periodically to avoid unexpected costs.

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