Tutorial / Cram Notes

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C02) exam places significant emphasis on understanding the various governance models that can be applied within AWS. A governance model provides the rules and processes which help manage IT resources and handle the risk within an enterprise-level organization. In AWS, governance generally focuses on three primary areas: Cost Control, Security/Compliance, and Resource Management.

Cost Control

Cost control in AWS involves setting up mechanisms for monitoring and managing costs. Tools like AWS Budgets, AWS Cost Explorer, and services such as AWS Cost and Usage Report can be utilized to gain visibility into your spending and enforce cost policies.

To select a governance model for cost control, you must be able to:

  • Define budgets and forecast for operational and capital expenses.
  • Monitor costs and usage through reporting.
  • Implement a showback or chargeback mechanism.
  • Use AWS Trusted Advisor to identify opportunities to save costs.

For example, use AWS Budgets to set custom budgets that alert you when costs or usage exceed your budgeted amounts.


Security and compliance in AWS involve managing user identities and permissions, protecting data at rest and in transit, and maintaining the integrity of your resources.

AWS offers various services for governance in terms of security/compliance, including:

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for identity management.
  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and AWS Certificate Manager for data protection.
  • AWS Config for AWS resource inventory, configuration change notifications, and configuration compliance.
  • AWS CloudTrail for governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account.

For selecting a security model, consider:

  • Enforcing a least-privileged model and strong identity federation.
  • Encryption requirements for data at rest and in transit.
  • The need to comply with various compliance frameworks like HIPAA, GDPR, or PCI-DSS.
  • Implementation of network security measures such as Security Groups and Network ACLs.

Resource Management

Resource management entails the deployment, orchestration, and operations of AWS resources. AWS provides services and features for effective resource management:

  • AWS Service Catalog to create and manage catalogs of IT services.
  • AWS CloudFormation or Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), to create and manage resources with templates.
  • Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to adjust resources based on demand.

Selection of a resource management governance model will require consideration of:

  • Change management processes, like using AWS CloudFormation Change Sets to understand the effects of stack modifications before they are applied.
  • Resource tagging strategies for organization and cost allocation.
  • Life-cycle management of resources.

Governance Model Comparison

Governance Model Component Tools/Services Considerations
Cost Control AWS Budgets, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Cost and Usage Report Define budgets, use cost explorers to visualize use patterns, implement cost allocation tags, and set up billing alerts.
Security/Compliance IAM, AWS KMS, AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail Implement least privilege, use IAM roles, enforce MFA, manage encryption with KMS, monitor configurations with AWS Config, and audit actions with CloudTrail.
Resource Management AWS Service Catalog, AWS CloudFormation, Auto Scaling, ELB Maintain a catalog of standard configurations, automate deployment with CloudFormation or Terraform, auto-scale resources, employ ELBs for distribution of incoming application traffic.

Each of these components is crucial in its own right and performs an integral role in the overall AWS governance model. A well-architected AWS environment will often include a combination of tools and services from each area tailored to an organization’s specific needs.

An example of a security control that could be employed in a governance model is:

“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Sid”: “ReadOnlyAccess”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [
“Resource”: “*”

This IAM policy provides read-only access to EC2 instances and CloudWatch metrics, exemplifying part of a least privilege strategy.

In summary, selecting the right governance model in AWS involves a detailed understanding of the organization’s objectives, requirements, and available AWS tools and services. The chosen model should effectively balance the trade-offs between agility, security, cost, and compliance to enable the organization’s long-term success on the cloud platform.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: It is recommended to use a centralized governance model when using AWS for large enterprises to implement consistent policies across the organization.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: A centralized governance model helps large enterprises establish consistent policies, maintain control, and manage resources more efficiently across the entire organization.

Which governance model enables individual teams or departments to have the autonomy to make decisions and manage AWS resources, while still aligning with the overall organizational policies?

  • Centralized governance model
  • Decentralized governance model
  • Multi-account governance model

Answer: Decentralized governance model

Explanation: A decentralized governance model allows teams or departments within an organization to operate independently, making decisions and managing resources in a way that aligns with broader organizational policies but with more autonomy.

True or False: A multi-account AWS environment can be an effective way to isolate resources and manage permissions when implementing a governance model.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: A multi-account setup allows for better resource isolation, granular permissions management, and can be an important part of an effective governance strategy on AWS.

Which AWS service can be used to enforce governance policies by allowing administrators to create and manage AWS users and groups?

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • AWS Organizations
  • AWS Control Tower

Answer: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Explanation: AWS IAM allows admins to create and manage AWS users and groups, and use permissions to allow and deny their access to AWS resources, thereby enforcing governance policies.

True or False: AWS Control Tower is only suitable for small-scale environments and not for enterprise governance needs.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: AWS Control Tower is suitable for enterprises as it automates the setup of a baseline environment with governance in place and is scalable for organizational needs.

In an AWS environment, who is responsible for defining and implementing governance policies in a shared responsibility model?

  • AWS exclusively
  • The client exclusively
  • Both AWS and the client

Answer: The client exclusively

Explanation: In the AWS shared responsibility model, the customer is responsible for governance and management of their AWS environment, while AWS is responsible for the governance of the infrastructure.

Which governance attribute involves setting up mechanisms to audit and track resource usage for compliance and cost management?

  • Automation
  • Visibility and auditability
  • Consistency
  • Security

Answer: Visibility and auditability

Explanation: Visibility and auditability involve mechanisms to audit configurations and changes, as well as track resource usage to help with compliance and cost management.

True or False: AWS CloudTrail can be used to improve governance by providing detailed logs of actions taken by users, roles, and AWS services.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: AWS CloudTrail improves governance by providing event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command line tools, and other AWS services.

The Principle of Least Privilege is a key governance strategy that entails:

  • Granting users all privileges by default
  • Granting users only the privileges essential for their work
  • Enabling all AWS services for every user
  • Requiring multi-factor authentication for all users

Answer: Granting users only the privileges essential for their work

Explanation: The Principle of Least Privilege is a security concept that involves giving users only the access necessary to perform their jobs, which helps in reducing the risk of unauthorized access or actions.

Which AWS service helps to define and enforce compliance rules across AWS Accounts?

  • AWS Trusted Advisor
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • AWS Config
  • AWS Direct Connect

Answer: AWS Config

Explanation: AWS Config enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources, making it easier to ensure compliance with internal rules and regulations.

True or False: When selecting the appropriate governance model, you should avoid considering the organization’s regulatory compliance requirements.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Regulatory compliance requirements are crucial when selecting a governance model, as they often dictate the governance framework and controls that need to be implemented.

AWS Organizations allows for scalable governance across multiple AWS accounts by:

  • Allowing a single account to govern all other accounts
  • Enabling consolidated billing and access control policies across accounts
  • Restricting the number of allowed AWS accounts
  • Implementing identical resource setups across accounts

Answer: Enabling consolidated billing and access control policies across accounts

Explanation: AWS Organizations provides policy-based management for multiple AWS accounts, offering capabilities like consolidated billing and applying access control policies across those accounts.

Interview Questions

What are the key components of an effective governance model in AWS?

An effective governance model in AWS typically incorporates the following key components: Identity and Access Management (IAM) for controlling user access, service control policies (SCPs) for managing permissions across an AWS Organization, resource tagging for tracking and allocating costs, automated compliance checks using AWS Config, data encryption strategies for at-rest and in-transit data, and monitoring and logging using Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail. These components help ensure that the right users have the right level of access and that resources are monitored and managed according to organizational policies and compliance requirements.

How do you ensure that your AWS environment complies with your company’s regulatory requirements?

To ensure that an AWS environment complies with a company’s regulatory requirements, an organization should implement a governance model that encompasses compliance checking tools, such as AWS Config, which can audit and monitor the environment according to specific rules. AWS Artifact provides on-demand access to AWS security and compliance reports. Furthermore, the use of AWS CloudTrail ensures all API activities are logged and auditable, while incorporating the use of Managed Policies and IAM Roles further ensures only the necessary permissions are granted, thus aiding in compliance with the least privilege principle.

Can you explain what a multi-account strategy is and how it fits into the governance model in AWS?

A multi-account strategy in AWS involves creating multiple AWS accounts to separate resources and manage them more granularly, improve security, and allocate costs. This fits into the governance model as it allows for greater isolation between workloads, environments (such as dev, test, and prod), and business units, providing a clear boundary for applying policies and controls. AWS Organizations can be used to manage these accounts centrally and apply Service Control Policies (SCPs) to enforce compliance and governance across all accounts.

How can AWS Organizations help in governance?

AWS Organizations is a service for managing and governing multiple AWS accounts. It helps in governance by enabling central control over budgets, compliance, security, and shared resources. With Organizations, you can create a hierarchy of Organizational Units (OUs) to apply and manage Service Control Policies (SCPs) which define the maximum permissions for all accounts within those OUs. It also supports automated account creation, simplifies billing through consolidated billing, and eases the sharing of resources across accounts with AWS Resource Access Manager.

Describe how you would use AWS Config to support your governance model.

AWS Config supports governance models by continuously monitoring and recording AWS resource configurations and changes. It evaluates the recorded configurations against desired configurations and rules, enabling auditing and visibility into compliance with governance policies. It can also provide a means to take action on non-compliant resources either by sending notifications or by automating remediation through AWS Systems Manager or AWS Lambda, ensuring that resources stay compliant with company guidelines.

How can the principle of least privilege be applied within AWS IAM as part of your governance strategy?

The principle of least privilege can be applied within AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) by granting only the necessary permissions required for a user, group, or role to perform their specific tasks. This can be achieved by defining fine-grained IAM policies and attaching them directly to the appropriate IAM entities. Additionally, AWS provides managed policies for common use cases that are scoped tightly to a specific service or task, which simplifies adherence to this principle.

Discuss how AWS CloudTrail can play a role in governance.

AWS CloudTrail plays a key role in governance by providing a detailed log of all user activity and API usage across an AWS account. It allows for continuous monitoring, auditing, and review of actions taken in the AWS environment. This information is crucial for detecting unexpected or unauthorized actions, ensuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations, and can also be integrated with third-party tools for further analysis and real-time alerting.

In what ways can resource tagging assist with cost governance in AWS?

Resource tagging assists with cost governance in AWS by attaching metadata tags to AWS resources. These tags can categorize resources by cost center, project, owner, or environment, making it possible to allocate costs and optimize spend. Tags enable detailed cost tracking and reporting through the AWS Cost Explorer and Billing Dashboard, allowing for better budgeting and forecasting, as well as the implementation of chargeback or showback models.

Explain how you would implement a governance framework on AWS that supports a DevOps methodology.

Implementing a governance framework on AWS that supports DevOps would involve integrating AWS services and practices that both enable automation and enforce policy adherence. This could include using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with AWS CloudFormation or Terraform to define and deploy resources consistently. Additionally, automation through AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild can enforce code and infrastructure compliance checks during the CI/CD process, while AWS Systems Manager can automate patching and maintenance. IAM roles and policies would enforce role-based access control, and AWS Config rules could perform automatic compliance checks.

What role do IAM roles play in an AWS governance model, and how do they differ from user-managed IAM policies?

IAM roles play a crucial role in defining temporary permissions to access AWS services and resources securely. Unlike user-managed IAM policies that provide permanent permissions to IAM users, IAM roles provide temporary security credentials that can be assumed by users, applications, or services without having to distribute long-term credentials. Roles support cross-account access control and delegation, minimizing security risks and making it easier to manage permissions for many users across an organization.

How can you use AWS Service Catalog to enhance governance over cloud resources?

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for AWS. It enhances governance by ensuring that only approved and compliant resources are provisioned, automating the deployment of these resources based on predefined templates. This enables organizations to maintain control over which services and versions are available, enforce compliance with company policies, and enable self-service for end-users while adhering to the governance framework.

What measures can you put in place to ensure that your governance model adapts as new AWS services and features are released?

To ensure that a governance model remains effective with the introduction of new AWS services and features, continuous monitoring and review of the model should be employed. This can include updating IAM policies and roles, revising SCPs, and integrating the latest services into the automated compliance checks with AWS Config. Additionally, adopting a culture of ongoing education and training within the organization to stay updated on AWS offerings and best practices is important. Utilizing AWS Trusted Advisor for recommendations, and regularly attending AWS webinars or reviewing AWS whitepapers, can also contribute to maintaining an adaptive governance model.

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Aida Deschamps
3 months ago

Great insights on selecting the appropriate governance model for AWS!

یاسمین سالاری

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Helped me a lot!

Sander Christiansen
3 months ago

Could someone explain how Governance at Scale differs from traditional governance models?

Charles Zhang
4 months ago

What are the key tools in AWS for Governance at Scale?

Charlie Meyer
2 months ago

How does AWS Control Tower fit into the governance model?

Bratislav Polić
4 months ago

Appreciate the blog! The section on IAM policies was particularly useful.

Boško Šotra
4 months ago

Is there any overlap between AWS Service Catalog and AWS Control Tower?

Elsa Lacroix
3 months ago

Thanks for breaking down complex topics into simple explanations.

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