
The dynamic and broad responsibility ensures that your strategy extends to your backlog, product vision, stakeholders, and continual product delivery. This responsibility becomes even more layered when studying to take the exam for Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO). As such, we’ll be deep-diving into two methods that aid in visualizing, managing, or reducing dependencies, key tenets in A-CSPO.

Managing Dependencies using Dependency Matrices

A common technique to manage dependencies is through the use of a Dependency Matrix. Dependency matrices help because they provide a clear, structured framework for visualizing and managing dependencies. As part of the matrix, different aspects of the project or tasks can be itemized and their inter-dependencies laid out visually. It is especially useful when dealing with large or complex projects.

To create a Dependency Matrix, you need to list the tasks or elements down one side of a grid and again across the top. Then, using this grid, you can indicate where tasks are dependent on others by marking the intersections. For example, if Task B is dependent on Task A, this will be marked where they intersect.

Example: Let us consider a simple product which has five different features A, B, C, D and E. Suppose B is dependent on A, C and D are Dependent on B, and E is dependent on D. In this case:


The above matrix enables the product owner to better manage and prioritize tasks and stories.

Reducing Dependencies through Decoupling

Decoupling aims to decrease the number of dependencies between components. It emphasizes a modular approach where each module performs distinct functions independently. By making your product decoupled, you reduce dependencies and enhance flexibility. For instance, if an API has been developed in a decoupled manner, changes in one part will not severely affect the other parts, making the product more resilient to change.

In Scrum, decoupling has another layer of importance. By reducing dependencies within backlog items, you can create a more flexible and efficient sprint. If stories are less dependent on each other, a Scrum Master can pull them into sprints based on priority rather than dependencies, enhancing the team’s ability to deliver value quickly.

Example: Conceive of an app development project divided into modules. Module A handles user authentication, while Module B handles user location services. If these modules are decoupled, we can make changes to the authentication process without affecting the location services, and vice versa.

On a Scrum level, decoupled user stories would resemble the following:

  • Story 1: As a user, I want to register an account so that I can use the application.
  • Story 2: As a logged-in user, I want to share my location so that I can find nearby services.

Here, the stories are decoupled as one can be completed without the completion of the other. This division allows for more efficient operations and faster value delivery.

The topics of dependency matrices and decoupling are significant when studying for your A-CSPO. They illustrate the importance of managing dependencies within product development and demonstrate how an efficient and effective product owner knows and implements techniques to keep the product and its pathway as clean and clear as possible.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: A program evaluation review technique (PERT) can be used as a method for visualizing dependencies in a project.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: PERT is a project management tool used to plan tasks within a project, which also helps visualize the dependent relationships among tasks.

Which of the following are tools for managing dependencies?

  • A. Cumulative Flow Diagram
  • B. Gantt Chart
  • C. Kanban board
  • D. Burndown chart

Answer: A, B, C

Explanation: A Cumulative Flow Diagram, Gantt Chart, and Kanban board are all tools used for visualizing, managing, or reducing dependencies in a project.

True or False: The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is another tool which can be used to visualize dependencies.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: The WBS is an essential project managerial tool that breaks projects down into manageable chunks. This can also be organized to highlight dependencies between tasks.

What two main techniques are used in Scrum for dependency management?

  • A. Refactoring and Prioritization
  • B. Prioritization and Regular communication
  • C. Improvement and Regular communication

Answer: B. Prioritization and Regular communication

Explanation: Prioritization helps manage dependencies by focusing on the most important tasks first. Regular communication ensures that all team members are aware of the tasks and their dependencies.

What is the Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) used for?

  • A. Visualizing dependencies
  • B. Managing dependencies
  • C. Reducing dependencies
  • D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Explanation: DSM is a square matrix designed to depict the influence of one system element on another, which can be used for visualization, management, and reduction of dependencies.

True or False: Refactoring is a technique used to manage dependencies in Scrum.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Refactoring is a technique aimed at improving the structure of existing code while preserving its functionality, not managing dependencies.

In Scrum, _______ Is a tool that can be used to visualize dependencies.

  • A. User Story Mapping
  • B. Refactoring
  • C. Checklists

Answer: A. User Story Mapping

Explanation: User story mapping provides a visual representation of the backlog which helps in visualizing dependencies.

What does the Risk Management Matrix serve for in the project management?

  • A. It is used to manage risks associated with the dependencies
  • B. It is used to visualize dependencies
  • C. It is used to reduce dependencies

Answer: A. It is used to manage risks associated with the dependencies

Explanation: The matrix provides a structured way to identify and assess risks that may affect a project due to dependencies.

True or False: In Scrum, dependencies can be reduced by having cross-functional teams.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: Cross-functional teams reduce dependencies by pooling diverse skill sets into a single team. It boosts the team’s ability to work on different elements of a project without relying on other teams.

Which of the following can be done to manage dependencies effectively in Agile methodologies like Scrum?

  • A. Having Regular Meetings
  • B. Effective Communication
  • C. Having a dedicated Scrum Master
  • D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

Explanation: Regular meetings, effective communication, and a dedicated Scrum Master are all strategies that help manage dependencies in Agile methodologies.

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Miloslava Zolotnickiy
7 months ago

Great post! I find the Dependency Matrix technique very useful for identifying dependencies among teams in large projects.

Angela Herrero
7 months ago

I prefer the Kanban Board for visualizing and managing dependencies. It’s more dynamic and easy to update.

Freya Lewis
5 months ago

Thanks for the insights!

Mahmoud Kley
7 months ago

Anyone tried using the Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) for dependency management?

Allyssa Linthorst
7 months ago

I found the blog very informative. Appreciate it!

James Fuller
7 months ago

We struggled with using Dependency Matrix initially. Took a while to get the hang of it.

Megan Steward
5 months ago

This topic is so essential for A-CSPO exam. Thanks for sharing information.

Valentín Vicente
6 months ago

Could someone explain how to integrate a Dependency Matrix with Agile tools like JIRA?

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