
Scrum is an agile framework that facilitates team collaboration on complex projects. In this framework, the scrum team works on a Product Backlog, which is a prioritized list of the work that needs to be done. This Product Backlog constantly evolves as the Product Owner re-prioritizes the backlog to focus on delivering the highest value.

To ensure that this Product Backlog is regularly updated and always reflects the most valuable work to the team and the business, Product Backlog refinement is done. This is when the Product Owner and the Development Team review items on the Product Backlog to ensure their clarity and readiness for implementation. Though not an official event in the Scrum framework, this action is highly beneficial to enhance productivity.

Let’s dive in to understand some activities that may occur as part of the Product Backlog refinement process.

1. Reviewing the Product Backlog Items (PBIs) and Their Prioritization:

The first activity during a Product Backlog refinement involves the Product Owner and the Development Team reviewing the list of PBIs. This is when they discuss the priority of each item, as per the present knowledge of the product and the market requirements. The Product Owner is responsible for ranking the items based on their importance and value.

For example, an e-commerce website may have a Product Backlog containing items like “optimize the search engine,” “improve the check-out process,” and “redesign the product page.” During refinement, the team could decide to prioritize the search engine optimization since the ability to find products more effectively could lead to higher sales.

2. Enhancing PBI Details and Acceptance Criteria:

During Product Backlog refinement, the team can also work to create more detailed descriptions of each PBI. If additional insights have been gained, they should be incorporated in the PBI description. Similarly, it may be necessary to revise the acceptance criteria for some PBIs. The acceptance criteria clarify what is expected from the item and when it is considered done.

As a case in point, a PBI may be to “implement a user rating system for products.” The acceptance criteria could include things like “users must be able to rate products on a scale of 1-5,” “ratings should be visible to all users,” and so on. If during refinement, it is decided that the rating system should also allow comments, then the description of the PBI and its acceptance criteria will need to be updated.

3. Estimating effort for PBIs:

After enhancing the details and prioritization, the team may estimate the effort required for each PBI. This helps to determine which PBIs the team can commit to in the next Sprint and also how many Sprints it might take to complete a given feature. Using techniques like Planning Poker, T-Shirt Sizes, or Ideal Days, the team decides on the relative effort for each PBI.

For instance, let’s consider two PBIs: “create a customer login system” and “add a shopping cart feature”. Each team member will individually estimate the effort required for these items, then the group will discuss and agree on a composite score.

Engagement in the above activities during Product Backlog refinement allows the scum team to have a more refined and detailed backlog. This leads to better planning, lesser ambiguity, and smoother Scrum Sprints – ultimately keeping the team focused on delivering high-value increments. With a well-refined Product Backlog, a Scrum Team can effectively minimize their efforts while maximizing the value their product provides.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: During Product Backlog refinement, requirements for the product are clarified.

  • True
  • False


True or False: The process of creating a Product Backlog is considered a part of Product Backlog refinement.

  • True
  • False


Which of the following activities occurs as part of Product Backlog refinement?

  • Prioritizing items
  • Estimating items
  • Analyzing market trends
  • Holding feedback sessions with customers

Prioritizing items

Estimating items

One of the activities that may occur during Product Backlog refinement is:

  • Creating a production budget
  • Ordering product stock
  • Prioritizing the product backlog items
  • Establishing a sales strategy

Prioritizing the product backlog items

True or False: Product Backlog refinement involves creating detailed user stories for the product.

  • True
  • False


During Product Backlog refinement, the Scrum team:

  • Prioritizes the product backlog items
  • Splits product backlog items into smaller, more manageable units
  • Both of the above
  • None of the above

Both of the above

Which of the following statements regarding Product Backlog refinement in Scrum Foundations is NOT correct?

  • The team estimates effort for backlog items during refinement
  • The team identifies dependencies between backlog items during refinement
  • All product backlog items are written and finalized in a single refinement session
  • The Product Owner and the Scrum team work together during refinement tasks

All product backlog items are written and finalized in a single refinement session

True or False: One of the main purposes of the Product Backlog refinement is to ensure that backlog items are ready for future Sprints.

  • True
  • False


What activities are included in Product Backlog refinement? (Select all that apply)

  • Writing acceptance criteria
  • Identifying risks
  • Assigning the tasks to team members
  • Detailing the product backlog items

Writing acceptance criteria

Identifying risks

Detailing the product backlog items

True or False: During Product Backlog refinement, the Scrum Team may decompose complex Product Backlog items into simpler ones to promote a better understanding and estimation.

  • True
  • False


The deletion of unnecessary items from the Product Backlog comes under which of the following activities?

  • Sprint Planning
  • Product Backlog refinement
  • Sprint Retrospective
  • None of the above

Product Backlog refinement

The Scrum Guide mentions Product Backlog refinement as a/an:

  • Official event
  • Mandatory process
  • Unofficial or casual meeting
  • None of the above

Unofficial or casual meeting

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Emil Hannula
4 months ago

I think three activities that occur as part of Product Backlog refinement are clearly defining user stories, estimating story points, and prioritizing the backlog.

Anton Wiitala
7 months ago

Thanks for the detailed blog post, really helpful.

Galina Sokolović
5 months ago

I believe another key activity during backlog refinement is breaking down larger epics into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Louis Kumar
5 months ago

Great insights! I would add that backlog refinement should also involve revisiting and updating acceptance criteria for each user story.

Storm Haavik
6 months ago

Appreciate the blog post, well explained.

Seamus Baker
4 months ago

During refinement, we also ensure that the stories are well-detailed and ready for the upcoming sprint. Anyone else do the same?

Iina Kuusisto
5 months ago

One more activity we found useful is updating dependencies between stories during refinement.

Alberte Madsen
6 months ago

Really informative blog post, thank you!

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