
Create and Modify Views in a Model-Driven App

In Microsoft Power Apps, views are used to define how data is displayed in different parts of a model-driven app. By creating and modifying views, you can tailor the data presentation to meet specific business needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create and modify views in a model-driven app:

1. Open the App Designer

Go to the Power Apps Maker Portal ( and sign in. Select the model-driven app that you want to modify and open it in the App Designer.

2. Select the entity

In the App Designer, locate and select the entity for which you want to create or modify views. The entity list can be found in the left-hand pane of the App Designer.

3. Choose the “Views” tab

On the entity details page, find the “Views” tab and click on it. This will display the list of views currently available for that entity.

4. Create a new view

To create a new view, click on the “New View” button. Provide a name for the view and specify the type of view you want to create, such as “Public” or “Personal.” Choose the relevant properties for the view, such as filters, sorting options, and columns to display.

5. Specify columns and sorting

In the view editor, select the columns you want to display in the view. You can choose fields from the entity or related entities, and you can include calculated fields or roll-up fields as well. Additionally, define the sorting order by specifying the primary and secondary sort columns.

6. Define filters

Add filters to the view to control which records are displayed. Filters allow you to narrow down the data based on specific conditions, such as date ranges, statuses, or custom criteria. You can use simple or complex filtering logic to achieve the desired results.

7. Customize the view layout

Modify the layout of the view to control the appearance and arrangement of columns. You can resize columns, change their order, and adjust column widths as needed. Apply formatting options like font styles, colors, or conditional formatting to highlight specific data in the view.

8. Modify existing views

If you want to modify an existing view, select the view from the list of views on the “Views” tab. Make the necessary changes to the columns, sorting, or filtering criteria. Save and publish the changes to make them available in the app.

9. Test the views

Once you have created or modified the views, test them in the app to ensure that the data is displayed correctly. Verify that the columns, sorting, and filtering are functioning as intended. Adjust the views further if needed to align with your desired user experience.

By following these steps, you can easily create and modify views in a model-driven app using Power Apps. Modifying views allows you to control how data is presented to users, providing them with customized and relevant information within your app.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which of the following statements is true about creating views in the Power Platform?

A. Views can only be created in Power Apps.
B. Views allow users to see a filtered subset of data.
C. Views can only be created by system administrators.
D. Views cannot be modified once they are created.

Correct answer: B. Views allow users to see a filtered subset of data.

When modifying a view in the Power Platform, which of the following options are available?

A. Changing the primary entity for the view.
B. Modifying the filter criteria for the view.
C. Adding or removing columns from the view.
D. Changing the data source for the view.

Correct answers: B. Modifying the filter criteria for the view and C. Adding or removing columns from the view.

In the Power Platform, what is the purpose of modifying the filter criteria for a view?

A. To limit the number of records displayed in the view.
B. To change the layout and formatting of the view.
C. To define the primary entity for the view.
D. To determine the security roles that can access the view.

Correct answer: A. To limit the number of records displayed in the view.

True or False: Modifying a view in the Power Platform requires coding or programming knowledge.

Correct answer: False. Modifying a view in the Power Platform can be done through the user interface without any coding or programming knowledge.

Which of the following statements is true about modifying views in the Power Platform?

A. Modifying a view affects all users who have access to that view.
B. Modifying a view requires approval from a system administrator.
C. Modifying a view can only be done by the owner of the view.
D. Modifying a view permanently deletes all associated data.

Correct answer: A. Modifying a view affects all users who have access to that view.

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Alejandro Diaz
11 months ago

Creating views in Power Platform is really straightforward, but I’m struggling to filter views based on related entities. Any tips?

Liva Pedersen
1 year ago

Is it possible to modify views without affecting user data?

Toivo Leppanen
1 year ago

How do I set default views for specific users?

Hilla Koskinen
1 year ago

The blog post was very helpful. Thank you!

Nurdan Candan
1 year ago

Can someone explain the difference between system views and personal views?

Božo Šarović
1 year ago

Custom views seem so redundant. Can’t see the point.

Falan Jain
1 year ago

How do you share personal views with other users?

Daniel Neva
1 year ago

Quick question: Can views be exported and imported between different environments?

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