
The Definition of Done is a critical aspect of Agile methodologies such as Scrum, which highly impact the project management world. Merely associated with software projects, the definition of done (DoD) serves as an agreed-upon checklist of the criteria that a product, feature, or task must meet to be considered finished. What, however, if the product in question isn’t software at all? How do you go about creating a DoD for a non-software product? This post will walk you through implementing a DoD for non-software products.

Understanding the Definition of Done

Before moving ahead, let’s first understand what is ‘Definition of Done’ in Scrum. The DoD is essentially an agreed-upon set of requirements that a specific work item must meet before it can be considered complete. In simpler words, the DoD answers the question – “How do you recognize when a task is complete?”

Formulating a Definition of Done for a Non-software product

Unlike the assumption, formulating the Definition of Done is not only exclusive to software development. It can effectively be implemented on any product creation process. Here are some suggested steps to formulate a DoD for a non-software product:

  1. Establish Your Requirements

    Identify the essential requirements that your product must meet before it is considered done. For instance, if one is constructing a building, this might include architectural requirements, safety criteria, and aesthetics standards.

  2. Involve All Stakeholders

    Make sure that everyone involved in the process, from production to sales, has input into what constitutes as “done.” This approach ensures that all perspectives are considered, and everyone’s expectations align.

  3. Listing Concrete Criteria

    Break down your broad requirements into specific, measurable criteria. Each criterion should be concrete so that there is no room for misunderstanding. For example, under architectural requirements for a building, you might include criteria like “Structural Integrity Test Passed”.

  4. Review and Refinement

    Once you have established your criteria, review them with your team. This process might include pilot testing or simulations to see if the criteria work in practice. Based on feedback, refine the list as needed.

  5. Consistent Check

    Always refer to the DoD consistently throughout the product development cycle. “Done” should only be declared when all the conditions in the DoD are met.

Consider the following DoD example for the production of a car:

Criterion Is it Done?
Assembly Completed Yes/No
Safety Tests Passed Yes/No
Quality Standards Met Yes/No
Documentation Completed Yes/No
Client Approval Received Yes/No

A “Yes” across all the checkpoints here would lead to the product being declared as ‘Done’.

Benefits of Definition of Done for a Non-software product

Once implemented, a DoD for a non-software product sets clear expectations for everyone involved in the product’s production, helping in the following ways:

  1. Greater Clarity: Everyone understands what ‘done’ means and knows what to expect from the final product.
  2. Improved Communication: Because everyone has a common understanding of ‘done’, it fosters better communication within the team.
  3. Higher Quality: By setting clear, measurable criteria that a product must meet before it’s considered ‘done’, it naturally elevates the quality of the final product.
  4. Better Customer Satisfaction: As ‘done’ aligns with the customer’s expectations, this can lead to an increase in customer satisfaction.


Irrespective of software-related or not, the principle of a DoD is the same. It promotes clarity, validates expectations, and drives high-quality output. By setting out clearly what must be achieved before declaring the product ‘complete’, you remove any ambiguity and create a shared understanding among all stakeholders, while keeping a check on the quality of the delivered product.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: The Definition of Done (DoD) is only applicable to software products or services.

1) True

2) False

Correct answer: False

Which of the following could be included in a Definition of Done for a non-software product?

1) Product meets all specified requirements

2) All tests have been completed and passed

3) Documentation has been completed

4) All of the above

Correct answer: All of the above

Which element should a Definition of Done for a non-software product NOT include?

1) Clear acceptance criteria

2) Delivery of the product to end user

3) Compliance with any relevant standards or utilities

4) Nothing. All of the above should be included

Correct answer: Nothing. All of the above should be included

In a Scrum context, the team should revisit and refine the Definition of Done at which of the following time?

1) At the start of each Sprint

2) Midway through each Sprint

3) At the end of each Sprint

4) None of the above

Correct answer: At the start of each Sprint

True or False: In creating a DoD for a non-software product, a Scrum team will need to consider only technical concerns.

1) True

2) False

Correct answer: False

Who is responsible for setting the Definition of Done in a Scrum Team?

1) Product Owner

2) ScrumMaster

3) Development Team

4) All of the above

Correct answer: Development Team

The Definition of Done for a non-software product could include which of the following?

1) All components have been assembled

2) All steps in the manufacturing process have been completed

3) All product packaging has been finished

4) All of the above

Correct answer: All of the above

True or False: The Definition of Done is a one-off process and does not need to be revisited once set.

1) True

2) False

Correct answer: False

The Definition of Done is determined by…?

1) The requirements of the product

2) The limitations of the manufacturing technology

3) The requirements of the client

4) All of the above

Correct answer: All of the above

True or False: The delivery of the product to the consumer can be considered the final step in the Definition of Done for a non-software product.

1) True

2) False

Correct answer: True

How often should the Definition of Done be tweaked or adjusted as required?

1) After each sprint

2) Whenever an important change is made to the product

3) On the identification of a bottleneck or inefficiency

4) All of the above

Correct answer: All of the above

True or False: Depending on the product, the Definition of Done for a non-software product could possibly recognize certain regulatory or compliance mandates.

1) True

2) False

Correct answer: True

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Rosimere Nascimento
4 months ago

Interesting topic. Anyone has experience formulating a Definition of Done (DoD) for a physical product, like hardware?

Trinidad Vargas
8 months ago

Thanks for sharing this post, very enlightening!

Molly Edwards
6 months ago

What key elements should be included in a DoD for a non-software product?

Mathias Rodriguez
8 months ago

How do you measure compliance if the product is non-software?

Rogelio Trujillo
4 months ago

This is a very useful blog post. Thank you!

Yasir Valderhaug
8 months ago

Creating a Definition of Done for physical products can be challenging but achievable.

Lourenço Sales
5 months ago

Thanks for this! The information is very helpful.

María Teresa Jimínez
7 months ago

I agree with @User6, Post-Manufacturing Support is crucial.

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