Tutorial / Cram Notes

AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager is a widely used service for automating the process of patching managed instances. Here’s an outline of the steps to patch EC2 instances:

  1. Create a Patch Baseline:
    Define a patch baseline that includes rules for auto-approval of patches based on your organization’s criteria, such as severity or type. You can also specify a list of approved or rejected patches.

“Name”: “MyPatchBaseline”,
“GlobalFilters”: {
“PatchFilters”: [
“Values”: [“Security”]



  1. Associate the Patch Baseline with Instances:
    Attach the patch baseline to your instances by defining a patch group. This association ensures the instances in the group adhere to the specific patch baseline.
  1. Schedule Patching:
    Define a maintenance window for when the patches can be applied. This reduces the risk of downtime during business hours and provides a scheduled window of activity that can be communicated to stakeholders.

“Name”: “MyMaintenanceWindow”,
“Schedule”: “cron(0 2 ? * SUN *)”,
“Duration”: 120,
“Cutoff”: 30,


  1. Execute Patching:
    During the specified maintenance window, use AWS Systems Manager Run Command or State Manager to invoke the AWS-RunPatchBaseline document, which applies the approved patches to the targeted instances.

Container Images Patch Management

For containers, the patch management process differs slightly, as it typically involves updating the base image and rebuilding the container. AWS provides services like Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) to facilitate this:

  1. Update the Base Image:
    For container images, start by updating the base image to a newer version that contains the necessary patches. This could involve pulling the latest version from a public registry or updating your custom base image.
  2. Rebuild Images:
    Once the base image is updated, rebuild each of your container images using a CI/CD pipeline such as AWS CodePipeline or a third-party tool like Jenkins, incorporating the new patched base image.
  3. Update the Container Deployment:
    When the new images are ready, update your container definitions and services to use these images. This process can be automated using services like AWS ECS or AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

family: “my-task-definition”
– name: “my-container”
image: “myaccount.dkr.ecr.region.amazonaws.com/my-image:latest”

  1. Rollout Strategy:
    Select a rollout strategy such as rolling updates or blue/green deployment to ensure a seamless transition with minimal downtime and the ability to quickly rollback if issues arise.

Automation and Scaling

Large-scale environments can benefit from using AWS Organizations to manage patching across multiple AWS accounts. Automation documents and predefined workflows can be shared across accounts within an organization, thereby simplifying the management of patch baselines and maintenance windows.

Monitoring and Compliance

AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail are essential for monitoring and ensuring that patching policies are enforced. AWS Config can track the patch state of your instances and provide compliance reports, while CloudTrail logs the API calls for audit purposes.

Summary Table

Aspect EC2 Instances Container Images
Tool AWS Systems Manager Amazon ECR & CI/CD Pipelines
Patch Application Directly on instances Through image rebuilds
Automation Patch Baselines, Maintenance Windows CI/CD Pipelines, Service Definitions Update
Monitoring AWS Config, Amazon CloudWatch Amazon ECR Image Scanning, AWS Config
Compliance AWS Config Rules Rebuilds based on Trusted Base Images


Managing patches across EC2 instances and container images ensures your AWS infrastructure remains secure against known vulnerabilities. As part of the AWS Certified Security – Specialty (SCS-C02) exam, understanding the tools and processes for effectively applying patches is crucial. Implementing a robust patch management strategy with the help of AWS’s diverse set of services is imperative to maintaining a secure and compliant cloud environment.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: When applying patches across a fleet of EC2 instances, AWS Systems Manager is the only AWS service that can be used to automate this process.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: While AWS Systems Manager is a common tool for automating the process of patching a fleet of EC2 instances, it is not the only service that can be used. Other methods, such as custom scripts or third-party tools, can also be used for patch management.

Which AWS feature can be used to maintain the security and compliance of container images?

  • (A) Amazon Inspector
  • (B) AWS Trusted Advisor
  • (C) AWS Security Hub
  • (D) Amazon ECR image scanning

Answer: D) Amazon ECR image scanning

Explanation: Amazon ECR image scanning is a feature designed to maintain the security and compliance of container images by automatically scanning them for vulnerabilities upon push to ECR (Elastic Container Registry).

True or False: It is considered a best practice to automatically apply all received patches to your EC2 instances in a production environment without testing them first.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: Automatically applying all received patches to production environments without prior testing is not a best practice as it may introduce new issues or incompatibilities. It’s recommended to first test patches in a staging environment.

When using an EC2 Auto Scaling group, which of the following should be configured to ensure new instances are launched with the latest patches?

  • (A) Dynamic scaling policies
  • (B) Launch templates or launch configurations with the latest AMI
  • (C) Scheduled scaling actions
  • (D) Lifecycle hooks

Answer: B) Launch templates or launch configurations with the latest AMI

Explanation: Launch templates or launch configurations should be configured with the latest AMI, which includes the newest patches, to ensure that new instances in an EC2 Auto Scaling group start with the latest updates.

Multiple select: Which of the following AWS Systems Manager capabilities can assist in patch management?

  • (A) Automated approvals in Change Manager
  • (B) Session Manager for remote access to instances
  • (C) State Manager to define and maintain consistent states
  • (D) Patch Manager to automate patching applications
  • (E) Parameter Store to store patch configurations
  • (F) Quick Setup to easily configure instances for patching

Answer: A) Automated approvals in Change Manager, C) State Manager to define and maintain consistent states, D) Patch Manager to automate patching applications, F) Quick Setup to easily configure instances for patching

Explanation: Automated approvals in Change Manager, State Manager to maintain consistent states, Patch Manager to automate patching, and Quick Setup to configure instances are all Systems Manager tools that aid in the automation and maintenance of patch management across EC2 instances.

Which deployment strategy is recommended when applying patches across a fleet of EC2 instances to minimize downtime?

  • (A) Red/black deployment
  • (B) Rolling deployment
  • (C) All-at-once deployment
  • (D) Blue/green deployment

Answer: B) Rolling deployment

Explanation: Rolling deployment is a strategy that involves updating instances in batches, thus minimizing downtime by ensuring that only a subset of your fleet is taken offline for patching at any one time.

True or False: AWS Elastic Beanstalk can automatically apply patches to the underlying instances of your application environment.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS Elastic Beanstalk supports managed platform updates, which can automatically apply patches to the operating system and platform stack of the underlying instances while minimizing impact on your running application.

Which AWS service provides predefined patch baselines that can be applied to EC2 instances?

  • (A) AWS Lambda
  • (B) AWS Batch
  • (C) AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager
  • (D) AWS CodeDeploy

Answer: C) AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager

Explanation: AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager provides predefined patch baselines that can be used to define which patches are approved for installation on your EC2 instances.

True or False: When applying patches, it’s necessary to manually update each container instance within an Amazon ECS cluster.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: Manually updating each container instance is not necessary; Amazon ECS supports updating the services to use a newer version of a container image, which can include the necessary patches, and can automatically redeploy updated containers across the cluster.

Multiple select: Which of the following practices should be included in a patch management process for EC2 instances?

  • (A) Prioritizing patches based on severity
  • (B) Testing patches in an isolated environment
  • (C) Applying patches during peak business hours
  • (D) Using a golden image for consistent deployment
  • (E) Automating patch rollout with AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager

Answer: A) Prioritizing patches based on severity, B) Testing patches in an isolated environment, D) Using a golden image for consistent deployment, E) Automating patch rollout with AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager

Explanation: Prioritizing patches based on severity, testing in an isolated environment, using a golden image, and automating rollouts with AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager are recommended practices in a patch management process. Avoid applying patches during peak business hours to prevent potential disruptions.

Interview Questions

What AWS service would you use to centrally manage patching for your EC2 instances?

I would use AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager to centrally manage the process of applying patches for both security and maintenance across a fleet of EC2 instances. AWS Systems Manager automates the process of patching managed instances with both security-related and other types of updates.

How can you ensure your EC2 instances are only using AMIs that have been pre-approved for compliance with your security policy?

To ensure EC2 instances are only using pre-approved AMIs, I would implement a process where all AMIs are scanned and approved before use. This could be automated using AWS Systems Manager Automation or custom AWS Lambda functions. Additionally, AWS Organizations can be used to implement Service Control Policies (SCPs) that restrict the launching of instances to only those AMIs that comply with the security policy.

Can EC2 Instance Connect be used to patch instances? If so, how might that work in a secure manner?

EC2 Instance Connect provides a secure way to connect to your instances for temporary session-based access rather than patching. For secure patching, I’d recommend using AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager, which avoids the need for direct access to each instance and allows for centralized control and monitoring of the patching process.

Describe how you can automate the application of patches to your container images.

I can automate the application of patches to container images by setting up a CI/CD pipeline using services like AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild. These pipelines can incorporate image scanning using Amazon ECR image scanning or other third-party tools, and trigger rebuilds of the container images whenever a patch becomes available. Updated images are then pushed to Amazon ECR and redeployed to the container orchestration service such as Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS.

How can you use AWS Config to help in the patch management process?

AWS Config can be used to monitor the configuration changes and compliance of resources, including whether EC2 instances have the required patches. By using AWS Config rules, it’s possible to check if the patches are applied and instance configurations comply with the desired configurations. Action can be taken on non-compliant resources to remediate the issue or to send notifications.

What are the best practices for managing patches for a large fleet of EC2 instances to minimize disruptions and ensure security?

Best practices for managing patches for a large fleet of EC2 instances include:
– Testing patches on a subset of instances before wide-scale deployment
– Automating the patching process using AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager
– Scheduling patches during off-peak hours to minimize disruptions
– Using patch baselines to define which patches are approved for deployment
– Enabling AWS Auto Scaling to maintain application availability during patching operations
– Segregating instances into different environments (e.g., development, staging, production) and patching them in stages to prevent widespread issues

Explain how you might use AWS Lambda functions for patch management.

AWS Lambda can be used to automate the execution of scripts or commands for patch management. For example, a Lambda function can be triggered by CloudWatch Events on a schedule to check for new patches and apply them using the AWS Systems Manager SendCommand API. Lambda can also be used to handle notifications and approvals in the patch management workflow.

Discuss how you would track and report on patch compliance for your EC2 instances or container images.

To track and report on patch compliance, I would use AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager which integrates with AWS Config for compliance tracking. This allows me to generate a patch compliance report that identifies the patch state of all instances. For container images, I would use Amazon ECR image scanning and integrate it with AWS Security Hub for a comprehensive view of my container compliance posture.

What challenges might you face when patching a container-based application, and how might you mitigate them in AWS?

Challenges in patching container-based applications include maintaining consistent environments, keeping track of vulnerabilities, and minimizing downtime during the patching process. To mitigate these challenges in AWS, I would use Amazon ECR for secure, scalable, and reliable registry services that include image scanning to detect vulnerabilities. Using Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS would allow for controlled rollout of updated images, and AWS Fargate offers serverless compute for containers to simplify the scaling and management of the application during updates.

Describe the role of Amazon Inspector in the patch management process.

Amazon Inspector is an automated security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS. In the context of patch management, Amazon Inspector can be used to automatically assess EC2 instances and container images for vulnerabilities or deviations from best practices. After the assessment, Amazon Inspector provides detailed findings that can be used to identify missing patches that should be applied to improve security.

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Eduardo Herrera
3 months ago

Great insights on applying patches to EC2 instances! Something I found useful is leveraging AWS Systems Manager for orchestrating the updates.

Davut Berberoğlu
3 months ago

This blog is really helpful as I prepare for my SCS-C02 exam. Thanks!

Rashmitha Kavser
3 months ago

What about container images? Any specific strategies for patching them efficiently?

Iván Vázquez
3 months ago

I’ve been using AWS Inspector to identify vulnerabilities. Anyone else finds it useful?

Catarina Faure
3 months ago

Some details on compliance management with AWS Config in this context would be helpful.

Valentine Caron
3 months ago

Props to the author for this comprehensive guide!

Elif Kutlay
4 months ago

Any thoughts on handling patching during peak hours?

Mikal Reite
4 months ago

I appreciate the details in this post, especially regarding automated patch management!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x