Tutorial / Cram Notes

AWS Organizations: Service Control Policies (SCPs)

AWS Organizations allows for the creation of a centralized management structure where accounts are organized into a hierarchy of Organizational Units (OUs). You can use Service Control Policies (SCPs) to define the maximum permissions for account members of an organization or OU. SCPs enable you to set guardrails and ensure members can only perform actions within the boundaries you define.


Imagine you want to ensure that all users in a specific OU can only interact with resources in the us-east-1 region. You could use an SCP like the following to enforce this policy:

“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“NotAction”: [

“Resource”: “*”,
“Condition”: {
“StringNotEquals”: {
“aws:RequestedRegion”: “us-east-1”

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Role Delegation

IAM roles allow for delegated administration by enabling you to define a set of permissions that can be assumed by users, applications, or services. IAM roles support cross-account access, allowing users from one AWS account to assume a role in another AWS account with permissions that the role grants.


To delegate administration tasks to a user from another AWS account, you would create a role with the necessary permissions and specify a trust policy that allows the external user to assume the role.

The trust policy might look like this:

“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Principal”: {
“AWS”: “arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/external-user”
“Action”: “sts:AssumeRole”

AWS Managed Services

AWS offers managed services that inherently provide delegated administration capabilities:

  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)
  • Amazon WorkSpaces
  • Amazon Managed Blockchain

Each of these services offers varying levels of delegated administration within the service itself, such as creating and managing databases with RDS, provisioning and managing virtual desktops with WorkSpaces, or managing blockchain networks with Managed Blockchain.

Cross-Account Access with AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM)

AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) enables you to share specified AWS resources across AWS accounts within your organization or organizational units. Once shared, the receiving account can delegate administration tasks related to those resources.

Centralized Logging and Monitoring

Using AWS CloudTrail and Amazon CloudWatch, organizations can set up centralized logging and monitoring. By doing so, they can delegate the administration of these services to specific roles responsible for security and compliance while restricting access to the underlying logs to prevent tampering.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Delegated Administration

For added security, AWS recommends requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) for users performing delegated administration tasks. This ensures that a second factor of authentication is present, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

By using these managed services and delegation mechanisms, organizations can set up sophisticated and secure administration structures that align with both operational needs and compliance requirements, as emphasized in the AWS Certified Security – Specialty (SCS-C02) exam.

Comparison Table

To better understand the delegation capabilities, the following table outlines some features of the key services:

Feature / Service AWS Organizations SCPs IAM Roles AWS Managed Services AWS RAM
Cross-Account Access ✔ (with certain limits) Service-dependent
Resource-Level Control
Centralized Management ✔ (with IAM users/groups)
Supports MFA ✔ (indirectly through IAM policies) ✔ (service-dependent)

In conclusion, by understanding and implementing these managed services and delegation strategies, AWS administrators can create an efficient and secure distributed administration model, which is a crucial aspect of the AWS Certified Security – Specialty (SCS-C02) certification.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows for granular permissions to be assigned for delegated administration.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: IAM enables customers to securely control access to AWS services and resources for their users, allowing for the creation of users, groups, and the assignment of granular permissions.

Which AWS service is primarily used for delegating administrative tasks within a multi-account environment?

  • A) Amazon EC2
  • B) AWS Organizations
  • C) AWS Config
  • D) Amazon CloudWatch

Answer: B) AWS Organizations

Explanation: AWS Organizations helps you centrally manage and govern your environment as you grow and scale your workloads on AWS, enabling delegation of administrative tasks across multiple accounts.

True or False: AWS Control Tower can be used to automate the setup of a baseline environment for a multi-account AWS setup which aids in delegated administration.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS Control Tower automates the setup of a well-architected multi-account AWS environment, providing a baseline for governance and allowing for delegated administration.

With AWS Service Catalog, administrators can __________.

  • A) enforce strict password policies
  • B) create and manage catalogs of IT services
  • C) deploy machine learning models
  • D) run serverless code

Answer: B) create and manage catalogs of IT services

Explanation: AWS Service Catalog allows administrators to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on AWS, aiding in the delegation by defining and managing these services centrally.

True or False: AWS CloudTrail can be used to track user activity and API usage across your AWS infrastructure, which is essential for delegated administration.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS CloudTrail records account activity and API usage, providing visibility into actions by users and services, which is crucial for the oversight of delegated administration tasks.

AWS Systems Manager allows you to __________.

  • A) manage your EC2 instances and on-premises servers at scale
  • B) perform deep learning computations
  • C) analyze big data
  • D) run a managed Kubernetes service

Answer: A) manage your EC2 instances and on-premises servers at scale

Explanation: AWS Systems Manager provides a unified interface that allows you to automate operational tasks and manage your EC2 instances as well as on-premises servers, supporting delegated administration.

True or False: Cross-account roles in AWS allow for delegation of permissions across AWS accounts without sharing security credentials.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Cross-account roles provide a secure way to delegate permissions and access resources in different accounts without the need to share security credentials.

Which of the following AWS services allows you to apply service control policies (SCPs) to accounts?

  • A) AWS IAM
  • B) AWS Lambda
  • C) AWS Organizations
  • D) Amazon S3

Answer: C) AWS Organizations

Explanation: AWS Organizations allows you to apply service control policies (SCPs) which offer central control over the maximum available permissions for all accounts in your organization, enabling you to manage delegated administration.

True or False: Delegated administration cannot be revoked in AWS once it is granted.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: Delegated administration privileges can be modified or revoked entirely at any time by changing policies or removing IAM roles, ensuring flexible access control.

Through which AWS feature can the Organizations master account delegate administration of AWS resources to other accounts without relinquishing complete control?

  • A) AWS Shared Responsibility Model
  • B) AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM)
  • C) AWS IAM User Groups
  • D) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles

Answer: D) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles

Explanation: IAM roles can be used to delegate administration capabilities by allowing one account to access resources in another account with specific permissions, without transferring control entirely.

True or False: It is possible to use AWS Config to delegate administration by defining who can make specific changes to AWS resources.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: AWS Config is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources, not delegate administration by specifying change permissions.

When using AWS CloudFormation to delegate administration, you can:

  • A) Automatically scale AWS resources based on demand
  • B) Set up machine learning models
  • C) Define and provision infrastructure as code
  • D) Capture real-time streaming data

Answer: C) Define and provision infrastructure as code

Explanation: AWS CloudFormation allows you to use a template to define and provision AWS infrastructure resources in an automated and secure manner, which can be used in delegated administration scenarios to maintain consistency and compliance.

Interview Questions

What are the key advantages of using managed services with delegated administration in AWS?

The key advantages include scalability, reduced operational burden, expertise, compliance, and security. Managed services allow organizations to delegate the heavy lifting of infrastructure management to AWS experts. They can scale resources up or down as needed, ensure best practices are followed for security and compliance, and focus their team’s efforts on core business functions rather than IT infrastructure.

Can you describe what AWS Organizations is and how it supports delegated administration?

AWS Organizations is a service for managing and governing multiple AWS accounts. It supports delegated administration by allowing organizations to centrally manage policies, automate account creation, and group accounts into organizational units for easier administration. It offers features like Service Control Policies (SCPs) to enforce permissions across the organization.

How does AWS Control Tower facilitate delegated administration for organizations?

AWS Control Tower automates the setup of a well-architected multi-account AWS environment. It simplifies delegated administration by setting up new accounts with pre-configured security and compliance controls based on best practices, providing a central dashboard for oversight, and establishing guardrails to maintain compliance and governance as the organization scales.

Which AWS feature would you use to automate cross-account permissions management for resources and how?

I would use AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) to automate cross-account permissions management. It allows you to share AWS resources like Subnets, License configurations, or Route 53 Resolver rules with other AWS accounts or within your AWS Organization, ensuring consistent and automated access controls across accounts.

Explain how AWS Managed Services (AMS) supports the concept of delegated administration for an organization’s infrastructure.

AWS Managed Services (AMS) offloads the daily infrastructure operations to AWS, supporting delegated administration through incident monitoring, response, and resolution, OS and database maintenance, and providing a secure and compliant AWS Landing Zone. AMS automates common activities, such as change requests, monitoring, patch management, security, and backup services, and provides full-lifecycle services to provision, run, and support infrastructure.

What AWS service would you use to delegate administrative capabilities for user provisioning and access management, and why?

I would use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) combined with AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) for delegating administrative capabilities for user provisioning and access management. IAM provides fine-grained control over AWS resources, while AWS SSO simplifies user access, allowing delegated administrators to provision users and manage permissions based on predefined permission sets for accounts and applications.

Can you explain the purpose and benefits of using AWS Service Catalog in a delegated administration model?

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. In a delegated administration model, AWS Service Catalog helps by providing a controlled way for users to provision pre-approved products, which helps maintain compliance, standardize deployments, and manage resource creation effectively and uniformly at scale.

How does AWS Firewall Manager contribute to the oversight of security in a delegated administration setup?

AWS Firewall Manager simplifies the administration of AWS WAF rules, AWS Shield Advanced protections, and Amazon VPC security groups across multiple AWS accounts. It allows central security administration, ensuring consistent security policy application across an entire organization and easing the burden of individual account management. This is particularly valuable in a delegated administration setup.

Describe a scenario in which you would use AWS Systems Manager to delegate administrative tasks and ensure compliance across an AWS environment.

AWS Systems Manager would be used to delegate administrative tasks such as patch management, automation, and configuration tracking. For example, in a large organization, Systems Manager can automate the deployment of patches to EC2 instances or on-premises servers, apply state management to ensure instances are in a designated state, and monitor compliance with desired configurations.

How would you set up delegated administration for a third-party security service within AWS, ensuring the service has the necessary permissions to function?

To set up delegated administration for a third-party security service within AWS, I would first subscribe to the service from AWS Marketplace and then use AWS IAM to create a role with the necessary permissions that the service requires to function. This service role would then be assumed by the third-party service to perform its tasks, ensuring it has the access it needs without excessive permissions.

In what ways does delegated administration through AWS help with regulatory compliance and reporting requirements?

Delegated administration through AWS helps with regulatory compliance and reporting by centralizing the management of security controls and policies. This allows for consistent application of compliance measures, as well as streamlined logging and monitoring that can be leveraged for audit purposes. Services like AWS Config and AWS CloudTrail facilitate tracking and recording compliance-relevant actions for easier reporting.

What is the AWS Delegated Administrator feature within AWS Organizations, and when might you use it?

The AWS Delegated Administrator feature within AWS Organizations allows an organization’s management account to delegate certain administrative responsibilities to other accounts within the organization. This is used to enable a member account to manage specific AWS services across the entire organization on behalf of the management account, allowing for distributed management responsibilities while still keeping centralized control. One might use it to delegate admin tasks like Security Hub or GuardDuty to specialized security teams or accounts.

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Júlio da Rocha
2 months ago

Great article on AWS Certified Security – Specialty! The section on IAM roles and managed services was particularly useful.

Abhinav Nair
4 months ago

Can anyone explain how delegated administration with managed services works in an AWS environment?

سپهر نكو نظر
2 months ago

I appreciate the detailed breakdown of VPC Security. Really helpful for the exam prep!

Michael Freeman
4 months ago

Thanks for the informative post. Exam prep is getting easier with such resources.

Mark Wolfrum
3 months ago

How does AWS Organizations play a role in delegated administration?

Vedat Nebioğlu
3 months ago

Very insightful post!

Kasper Thomsen
3 months ago

Does using managed services with delegated administration have any security risks?

Olai Vu
3 months ago

Good read. Thanks for posting.

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