Tutorial / Cram Notes

AWS Detective is a service designed to automatically collect log data from various AWS resources and use machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data that helps in quickly getting to the root cause of security issues or suspicious activities.

How AWS Detective Works

Detective analyzes and visualizes data from AWS CloudTrail, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Flow Logs, and Amazon GuardDuty findings. Its analysis enables you to understand the nature of any security anomalies or potential threats within your AWS environment by aggregating and correlating this data over time.

Benefits of Using AWS Detective for Security Threats

  • Simplified Analysis: By using graph representations, AWS Detective simplifies the analysis of interactions between your AWS resources.
  • Time-Effective: Reduces the time needed to analyze and correlate security data from disparate sources.
  • Historical Contextualization: Provides historical context to help in identifying the root causes of past security incidents.

Key Components in AWS Detective


AWS Detective creates graphs that summarize resource interactions, making it easier to visualize complex relationships and spot anomalies that could indicate security issues.

Analytical Tools

Detective provides several analytical tools to explore the behavior of resources over time. These tools help in identifying trends, patterns, or outliers that could be indicative of security threats.

Searching and Analyzing Threats

When a security issue arises, AWS Detective helps to search through accumulated logs and correlated data. You can start with a GuardDuty finding, for example, and then dig deeper into related events or affected resources:

  1. GuardDuty Findings: Start with a GuardDuty finding if one triggered an alert. GuardDuty findings include detailed information on potential threats detected.
  2. CloudTrail Events: Use associated CloudTrail events to see the sequence of API calls that may have led to the suspicious behavior.
  3. VPC Flow Logs: Inspect VPC Flow Logs for network traffic patterns that might be symptomatic of a compromised instance or policy violation.

For instance, if GuardDuty alerts you to an instance communicating with a known malicious IP, AWS Detective allows you to trace that instance’s network traffic (using VPC Flow Logs), see what IAM roles it employed (via CloudTrail), and determine the user identity that accessed the role.

Integration with Other AWS Services

AWS Detective can be integrated with AWS Security Hub and AWS Audit Manager for streamlined security monitoring and compliance. It can aggregate findings and provide a more cohesive view of the security posture of your AWS environment.

Best Practices for Using AWS Detective

  • Regularly review the generated graphs and findings to stay ahead of potential threats.
  • Integrate Detective with automated response mechanisms like AWS Lambda for rapid incident response.
  • Establish baseline behaviors in Detective for normal resource interaction patterns to quickly identify deviations.


AWS Detective is an invaluable tool for security professionals operating in AWS environments. It simplifies the process of searching and correlating disparate datasets to pinpoint security threats across multiple AWS services. By leveraging the automated analysis and visualization capabilities of AWS Detective, organizations can enhance their cloud security posture and expedite the incident response process.

Practice Test with Explanation

True/False: Amazon Detective can be used to aggregate data from AWS CloudTrail and VPC Flow Logs to visualize and analyze security data trends.

  • True

Amazon Detective automatically aggregates log data from AWS CloudTrail and Amazon VPC Flow Logs, among other sources, to create a unified, interactive view of resources, users, and the interactions between them over time, thereby helping users analyze and visualize security data trends.

True/False: AWS Security Hub can only process security findings from AWS native services.

  • False

AWS Security Hub can process and summarize security findings not just from AWS services, but also from third-party security products that are integrated with Security Hub.

Single Select: Which AWS service can centrally view and manage security alerts and automate security checks?

  • A) AWS Shield
  • B) AWS GuardDuty
  • C) AWS Security Hub
  • D) Amazon Macie

C) AWS Security Hub

AWS Security Hub is specifically designed to provide a comprehensive view of your high-priority security alerts and compliance status across AWS accounts. It also allows for automation of security checks.

True/False: Amazon Detective can only be used in the region where it is activated.

  • False

Amazon Detective collects log data from connected AWS accounts irrespective of the region, but you need to enable it in each region where you want to analyze data.

Multiple Select: Which AWS services can help in identifying potential security issues? (Choose two)

  • A) AWS Trusted Advisor
  • B) Amazon Route 53
  • C) AWS Lambda
  • D) AWS GuardDuty

A) AWS Trusted Advisor, D) AWS GuardDuty

AWS Trusted Advisor provides recommendations to help you follow AWS best practices, while AWS GuardDuty offers threat detection to monitor for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior.

Single Select: Which of the following is not a direct feature of Amazon Detective?

  • A) Machine learning
  • B) Visual graphing
  • C) Real-time analytics
  • D) DDoS protection

D) DDoS protection

While Amazon Detective utilizes machine learning and graph theory for analyzing and visualizing data, DDoS protection is not a direct feature of this service; AWS Shield is responsible for DDoS protection.

True/False: AWS Lambda functions can be used to automatically respond to security findings from Amazon Detective.

  • False

Amazon Detective is used for analyzing, investigating, and identifying the root cause of security findings, not responding to them. AWS Lambda is used for building automated responses to findings from services like AWS GuardDuty or AWS Security Hub.

True/False: Amazon CloudWatch can be used to correlate log data and detect potential security threats.

  • True

Amazon CloudWatch can collect and analyze log data, monitor applications, and set alarms in real-time, which can help in the identification of potential security threats.

Single Select: What type of service is AWS GuardDuty?

  • A) Intrusion detection service
  • B) Compliance audit service
  • C) Firewall service
  • D) Data encryption service

A) Intrusion detection service

AWS GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious or unauthorized behavior to protect your AWS accounts, workloads, and data stored in Amazon S

True/False: AWS WAF is primarily used for analyzing application security trends and identifying potential threats.

  • False

AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is designed to protect web applications by allowing you to configure rules that block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting, rather than for analyzing security trends.

Multiple Select: Which AWS tools/services provide findings that can be aggregated into AWS Security Hub? (Choose two)

  • A) AWS IAM Access Analyzer
  • B) Amazon QuickSight
  • C) AWS Config
  • D) Amazon Inspector

A) AWS IAM Access Analyzer, D) Amazon Inspector

AWS IAM Access Analyzer and Amazon Inspector provide findings that can be sent to AWS Security Hub for aggregation and a centralized overview of security data, allowing better insights and correlation of security threats across various AWS services.

True/False: You must manually configure data parsing and analysis when using Amazon Detective to investigate security incidents.

  • False

Amazon Detective automatically collects log data from AWS resources, processes it, and presents it as a graph for easy analysis. Users do not need to configure data parsing and analysis manually.

Interview Questions

Can you describe how AWS Detective helps in correlating security threat data across AWS services?

AWS Detective utilizes machine learning techniques, statistical analysis, and graph theory to analyze, investigate, and identify security threats by collating data from Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon VPC Flow Logs, and AWS CloudTrail. The service creates a unified view to help security analysts quickly determine the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities.

What services does AWS Detective integrate with, and what kind of data does it use from these services?

AWS Detective integrates with Amazon GuardDuty, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon VPC Flow Logs. From these services, it uses data such as API calls, resource changes, network traffic patterns, and findings from GuardDuty to create a comprehensive view of security-related activities within an AWS environment.

How would you leverage AWS Detective to perform a security investigation after identifying an unexpected spike in traffic from a geographically unusual location?

In AWS Detective, you can examine the spike in traffic by investigating the VPC Flow Logs, which can help trace the source IP and its interactions with AWS resources. Additionally, Detective can correlate this activity with other related events captured in AWS CloudTrail or GuardDuty findings, providing a context-rich analysis of the activity, thus identifying the scope and impact of the potential threat.

What is the importance of graph-based analysis in AWS Detective when dealing with complex security issues?

Graph-based analysis is vital as it helps in visualizing the relationships between different data points, making it easier to identify patterns and connections that might be indicative of coordinated security threats. This approach simplifies the investigation of issues spread across multiple AWS accounts and services by providing an interactive view of the interactions among resources and users.

How would AWS Detective assist in post-incident investigation activities?

AWS Detective can assist in post-incident investigations by aggregating and visualizing historical data from the integrated AWS services. It helps to reconstruct the timeline of activities leading up to an incident, identify affected resources, and understand the methods used by an attacker. This information is critical for recovery, root cause analysis, and enhancing security measures to prevent future incidents.

Can you explain how telemetry data from AWS services can be used to correlate potential security incidents?

Telemetry data from AWS services such as CloudTrail logs, GuardDuty findings, and VPC Flow Logs provide raw information about API calls, resource usage, network traffic, and potential threats. By aggregating and analyzing this data, AWS Detective generates insights and identifies correlations that indicate suspicious or anomalous behaviors across different services and resources.

Describe how AWS Detective can contribute to proactive threat detection and continuous security monitoring.

AWS Detective can continuously ingest and process data from integrated AWS services, helping to proactively detect threats by identifying anomalies and unexpected patterns of behavior over time. This allows for the early detection of potential security issues before they can lead to data breaches or other harmful events.

How does AWS Detective facilitate collaboration among security teams when responding to security threats?

AWS Detective allows security teams to share interactive graphs and findings within the service. Team members can jointly review visualized data, collaborate on the investigation, and share insights or action items, thus enhancing the collective response to security threats.

How would you use AWS Detective to assess the impact of a security breach affecting multiple resources within your AWS environment?

Upon identifying a security breach, you can use AWS Detective to visualize and analyze the interactions between the affected resources, the nature of the API calls made to these resources, and the flow of network traffic. This enables you to comprehend the breadth of the breach, the data or resources compromised, and the behavior of the threat actor across the environment, which is critical for assessing the impact.

In what ways can AWS Detective help organizations comply with regulatory requirements regarding security monitoring and threat detection?

AWS Detective aids in compliance with regulatory requirements by providing a platform for continuous monitoring, advanced analysis, and detailed reporting of security-related activities within AWS environments. The service helps in maintaining visibility into user and resource behavior, supporting due diligence in the event of audits.

Can you describe how AWS Detective’s anomaly detection capabilities can streamline the identification of potential security threats?

AWS Detective uses machine learning models to establish a baseline of normal behavior within your AWS environment. When deviations from this baseline occur, Detective can flag them as anomalies. This streamlined detection of abnormal patterns helps security teams focus on investigating the most relevant security threats.

How does AWS Detective ensure the privacy and security of the data it analyzes?

AWS Detective is designed to adhere to AWS security best practices and compliances. It encrypts data at rest and in transit, follows the principle of least privilege using AWS Identity and Access Management, and ensures that access to Detective’s analysis is controlled and logged, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the data.

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Darryl Roberts
3 months ago

Great blog post! Really informative on using AWS Detective to correlate security threats.

Vukan Ognjanović
3 months ago

Can AWS Detective be used alongside GuardDuty for better threat detection and analysis?

Silvia Gallegos
3 months ago

I found the information about correlating VPC Flow Logs in AWS Detective quite useful. Thanks!

Malene Sele
3 months ago

Does anyone have experience with automated alerting when threats are detected by these tools?

Onni Pietila
3 months ago

The detailed steps for investigating IAM findings were really helpful.

Susanne Havik
4 months ago

I think more examples on cross-account threat detection could be included.

John Walker
3 months ago

Good read, thanks for the detailed explanations.

Yamina Vriezen
4 months ago

Could you use AWS Detective to correlate findings from AWS Macie as well?

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