Tutorial / Cram Notes

The AWS Security Hub is a service that gives you a comprehensive view of your security state within AWS and can help you check your environment against security industry standards and best practices. It serves as a central place where you can collect and prioritize security findings from various AWS services such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Config, as well as from AWS partner solutions.

Strategies to Centralize Security Findings Using AWS Security Hub

  1. Enable and Configure AWS Security Hub

    To get started with centralizing your security findings with AWS Security Hub, you first need to enable it in your AWS Management Console. This is as simple as selecting the AWS Security Hub service and clicking “Enable Security Hub.”

  2. Integrate Other AWS Services

    After enabling the Security Hub, integrate it with services like Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Config, and Amazon Inspector. This can typically be done through the AWS Management Console for each service where you can choose to send findings to AWS Security Hub.

  3. Use AWS Security Hub APIs

    The Security Hub API can be used to send custom findings to the Security Hub. AWS provides SDKs in multiple programming languages to interact with the API, making integration with custom or third-party solutions possible.

  4. Set Up Custom Insights

    Custom insights are queries defined by you that can group and filter your findings. These can be based on various factors such as severity, resource type, or a specific AWS account.

  5. Automate Response and Remediation

    By using Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Lambda, you can automate responses to certain findings. For example, a Lambda function could automatically patch EC2 instances if a specific vulnerability is detected.

  6. Leverage Standards and Compliance Packs

    AWS Security Hub provides pre-packaged sets of controls that map to common security compliance standards, like CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark and PCI DSS. These packs can help in evaluating your environment against these standards and consolidating findings related to compliance.

  7. Implement Access Controls

    Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies can ensure that only authorized users have access to view and manage findings in the Security Hub.

  8. Continuous Monitoring and Feedback Loop

    Regularly review Security Hub dashboards and metrics to monitor the effectiveness of your security measures. Use the information available to refine your security strategies and controls continuously.

Example of Integrating AWS Lambda with AWS Security Hub

Below is a conceptual example of how you might use AWS Lambda in conjunction with AWS Security Hub to automate responses to security findings. This example assumes you have a Lambda function that remediates a specific type of finding.

import boto3
import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):

finding = json.loads(event)

# Example condition to check for specific finding to remediate
if finding[‘detail’][‘findings’][0][‘Title’] == “Example Vulnerability”:

# Put your remediation code here
# Example: Patch an EC2 instance identified in the finding details
instance_id = finding[‘detail’][‘findings’][0][‘Resources’][0][‘Id’]
ssm_client = boto3.client(‘ssm’)
response = ssm_client.send_command(
Parameters={‘Operation’: [‘Install’]}

# Optionally send an updated finding to AWS Security Hub
securityhub_client = boto3.client(‘securityhub’)
update_response = securityhub_client.batch_update_findings(
‘Id’: finding[‘detail’][‘findings’][0][‘Id’],
‘ProductArn’: finding[‘detail’][‘findings’][0][‘ProductArn’]
‘Text’: ‘Remediation action has been taken’,
‘UpdatedBy’: ‘LambdaAutoRemediation’
Workflow={‘Status’: ‘RESOLVED’}

return {
‘statusCode’: 200,
‘body’: json.dumps(‘Successfully executed remediation’)


Centralizing security findings helps organizations identify, prioritize, and respond to potential security threats more effectively. AWS Security Hub facilitates this by providing a central location where findings from various services and third-party products can be aggregated and actioned. The strategies presented here are fundamental steps towards securing an AWS environment in line with the AWS Certified Security – Specialty (SCS-C02) exam objectives, and they provide a foundation for building a robust and responsive security posture within the AWS cloud.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: Using AWS Security Hub is an effective strategy to centralize security findings across different AWS services.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS Security Hub proactively collects and aggregates security findings from various AWS services and supported third-party solutions, making it an effective strategy to centralize security findings.

AWS Config rules can trigger AWS Lambda functions in response to configuration changes, which can be used to centralize security findings.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS Config allows you to respond to configuration changes with AWS Lambda functions, enabling automation of the evaluation and aggregation of security findings.

Which AWS service can be used to orchestrate automated responses to security findings?

  • A) AWS Inspector
  • B) AWS Lambda
  • C) AWS Step Functions
  • D) Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

Answer: C) AWS Step Functions

Explanation: AWS Step Functions allows you to coordinate multiple AWS services into serverless workflows, which can be used to orchestrate automated responses to security findings.

Which AWS service can natively integrate with Amazon Detective to centralize security findings and assist with investigations?

  • A) AWS Security Hub
  • B) AWS CloudTrail
  • C) Amazon S3
  • D) Amazon GuardDuty

Answer: D) Amazon GuardDuty

Explanation: Amazon GuardDuty findings can be directly integrated with Amazon Detective, providing a central place to investigate and analyze security findings.

In the AWS environment, the use of Amazon CloudWatch can centralize the monitoring of security-related logs.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Amazon CloudWatch centralizes monitoring and can be used to collect, monitor, and analyze security-related logs from various AWS sources.

Which of the following services is NOT primarily used to centralize security findings?

  • A) AWS Security Hub
  • B) Amazon GuardDuty
  • C) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • D) Amazon Inspector

Answer: C) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Explanation: AWS IAM is used for managing access to AWS services and resources securely, and is not primarily used for centralizing security findings.

True or False: AWS Organizations can be used to apply service control policies (SCPs) to centralize security governance across multiple AWS accounts.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS Organizations facilitates the centralized governance of your AWS environment, including security policy application across multiple AWS accounts.

To ensure all your AWS accounts are monitored through one centralized solution, you should:

  • A) Implement AWS Security Hub in each account separately.
  • B) Enable AWS Security Hub in your master account and invite other accounts.
  • C) Set up individual Amazon GuardDuty detectors in each account without a master account.
  • D) Use AWS IAM roles for security monitoring on each account.

Answer: B) Enable AWS Security Hub in your master account and invite other accounts.

Explanation: AWS Security Hub can be set up in a master account to centralize security findings by inviting other AWS accounts to contribute their findings to the master.

Which service provides automated security assessments to help improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS?

  • A) AWS Shield
  • B) Amazon Macie
  • C) AWS Trusted Advisor
  • D) Amazon Inspector

Answer: D) Amazon Inspector

Explanation: Amazon Inspector provides automated security assessments to improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS.

For continuous security evaluation and auditing of AWS resources, which of the following services would you use?

  • A) Amazon Detective
  • B) AWS Config
  • C) Amazon QuickSight
  • D) AWS Shield

Answer: B) AWS Config

Explanation: AWS Config continuously monitors and records your AWS resource configurations, allowing auditing and assessment of the compliance of your AWS resources over time.

AWS Marketplace offers third-party security solutions that can be centralized using AWS Security Hub for enhanced security findings aggregation.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: AWS Security Hub supports integration with third-party security solutions available in AWS Marketplace, allowing the aggregation of findings from these tools into one centralized view.

True or False: An AWS Service Catalog can help manage security findings by providing pre-defined templates for service provisioning.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: AWS Service Catalog helps manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on AWS; however, it is not a tool specifically for managing or centralizing security findings.

Interview Questions

Question 1:

AWS Security Hub is the central service that allows you to centralize security findings from various AWS services like Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon Macie, as well as from AWS partner tools. It provides a comprehensive view of your security alerts and security posture across your AWS accounts.

Question 2:

You would use AWS Organizations to integrate with AWS Security Hub. By doing so, you can designate a master account that aggregates findings from all member accounts, enabling centralized security monitoring and governance of your AWS environment.

Question 3:

Amazon GuardDuty is a threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious activity and unauthorized behavior by analyzing AWS CloudTrail event logs, VPC flow logs, and DNS logs. It automatically sends its findings to AWS Security Hub, where they can be aggregated and correlated with findings from other services.

Question 4:

AWS Config rules evaluate the configuration settings of your AWS resources against desired configurations. When a resource violates a rule, AWS Config records these findings and can send them to AWS Security Hub. By doing this, you can centralize configuration compliance findings with other security-related findings.

Question 5:

AWS CloudTrail provides a history of API calls for your account, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command-line tools, and other AWS services. This event history simplifies security analysis, resource change tracking, and troubleshooting. When integrated with AWS Security Hub or other analysis tools, it can be used as part of a centralized strategy to identify anomalies and unauthorized actions.

Question 6:

Amazon Inspector is an automated security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS. It automatically assesses applications for exposure, vulnerabilities, and deviations from best practices. After performing an assessment, Amazon Inspector sends its findings to AWS Security Hub to centralize monitoring and facilitate the remediation process. The findings can include software vulnerabilities, unintended network accessibility, and deviations from best practices.

Question 7:

Enabling AWS CloudTrail logs across all regions is crucial because it ensures that all API activity is captured, even in regions where you might not actively manage resources. This ensures that any potentially malicious or unauthorized activities performed in any region are logged and can be monitored, which is key to keeping a central repository of all security-related events and maintaining a strong security and compliance posture.

Question 8:

Using tags to organize security findings in AWS Security Hub enables easier filtering and management of findings according to criteria such as severity, resource type, or compliance standards. Tags facilitate efficient prioritization of responses and can help streamline remediation efforts by grouping related resources or findings based on the tags assigned.

Question 9:

Amazon Macie uses machine learning to automatically discover, classify, and protect sensitive data in AWS. It provides detailed findings of potential security issues related to data storage and access that are sent to AWS Security Hub. This centralized approach helps manage potential data privacy and security risks more effectively by providing a comprehensive view of sensitive data findings in conjunction with other security findings.

Question 10:

Automation plays a critical role in centralizing security findings within AWS by ensuring that findings from various services are gathered, assessed, and reacted to in a consistent and timely manner. AWS Lambda can be used to automate responses to security findings by triggering functions in response to specific events that can perform actions such as notifying stakeholders or invoking remediation workflows when integrated with services like AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, or Amazon EventBridge.

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Lily French
3 months ago

Great post on centralizing security findings for AWS! It’s really crucial for tracking and fixing vulnerabilities effectively.

Jonas Christiansen
4 months ago

Thanks for the detailed breakdown! I found the integration with AWS Security Hub particularly useful.

Isabel Castellanos
3 months ago

Can anyone explain how AWS Config plays a role in centralizing security findings?

Malo Lefebvre
3 months ago

What about using AWS CloudTrail in this setup?

Hitesh Gugale
3 months ago

The article didn’t mention much about third-party integrations. Any thoughts?

Bryan Rose
3 months ago

I’m not very tech-savvy, but I appreciate how you explained security centralization. Thanks!

Brittany Spencer
4 months ago

Has anyone tried integrating AWS Security Hub with Jira for incident management?

Ryan Chan
4 months ago

Interesting topic! How accurate is the AWS Trusted Advisor in identifying security gaps?

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