
When designing and implementing native applications using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, it is important to understand the cost associated with querying data. By considering factors such as Request Units (RUs), data size, and query complexity, you can optimize performance and manage costs effectively. Let’s explore these factors and provide examples of how to calculate the cost of a query in Azure Cosmos DB.

1. Request Units (RUs)

Request Units (RUs) are a measure of throughput in Azure Cosmos DB. They quantify the total amount of resources (CPU, memory, and I/O) required to execute a request and can be used to determine the cost associated with a query. The number of RUs consumed by a query depends on factors such as query complexity, data size, and provisioned throughput.

RUs are typically provisioned at the container or database level. You can choose between manual throughput provisioning, where you set a fixed throughput, or Autoscale, which automatically adjusts the throughput based on demand. The provisioned throughput defines the baseline RUs available per second.

2. Data Size

The size of your data impacts the cost of executing queries in Azure Cosmos DB. Both storage and throughput costs are influenced by data size. As the data size increases, so does the cost of storing and querying that data. It is crucial to consider data volume and optimize your data model to minimize unnecessary data retrieval.

3. Query Complexity

The complexity of a query affects the number of RUs required to execute it. Queries involving sorting, filtering, aggregations, or multiple join operations consume more RUs compared to simple queries. Optimizing your queries and data model helps minimize unnecessary operations and reduce RU consumption.

Example – Calculating the Cost of a Query

Let’s consider an example where you have a container named “Products” in Azure Cosmos DB, containing product information such as name, price, category, and quantity. We will calculate the cost of a query that retrieves all products in a specific category.

Assuming a provisioned throughput of 1000 RUs per second for the “Products” container and an average document size of 1 KB, we can estimate the RU consumption using the Azure Cosmos DB RU Calculator or programmatically using the SDKs.

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;

// Define the query
string query = “SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.category = ‘Electronics'”;

// Create a Cosmos DB client
CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(“connectionString”);

// Get the container reference
Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer(“databaseName”, “Products”);

// Prepare the query
QueryDefinition queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(query);

// Execute the query and calculate the RU consumption
FeedIterator resultSetIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator(queryDefinition);
double totalRUs = 0;
while (resultSetIterator.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse response = await resultSetIterator.ReadNextAsync();
totalRUs += response.RequestCharge;

Console.WriteLine(“Total Request Units (RUs): ” + totalRUs);

In the above example, we execute a query to retrieve all products in the “Electronics” category and sum up the request charges (RUs) from each response. The final value of “totalRUs” represents the estimated RU consumption for the query.


Calculating the cost of queries in Azure Cosmos DB is crucial for designing and implementing native applications. By understanding factors such as Request Units (RUs), data size, and query complexity, you can optimize your application’s performance and manage costs effectively. Estimating RU consumption using the provided examples enables you to make informed decisions regarding throughput provisioning and query optimization in Azure Cosmos DB.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which pricing model determines the cost of querying a Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) Throughput-based pricing
  • b) Reserved capacity pricing
  • c) Data storage pricing
  • d) Transaction-based pricing

Correct answer: a) Throughput-based pricing

True or False: The cost of a query in Azure Cosmos DB is affected by the number of provisioned Request Units (RUs) per second.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct answer: a) True

When calculating the cost of a query in Azure Cosmos DB, what is the unit used to measure the throughput consumed by the query?

  • a) Transactions
  • b) Request Units (RUs)
  • c) Storage capacity
  • d) Network bandwidth

Correct answer: b) Request Units (RUs)

Select the options that affect the cost of a query in Azure Cosmos DB. (Select multiple)

  • a) Number of documents returned by the query
  • b) Complexity of the query
  • c) Number of properties in the queried documents
  • d) Duration of the query execution

Correct answers: a) Number of documents returned by the query, b) Complexity of the query

True or False: The latency of a query in Azure Cosmos DB has no impact on the cost.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct answer: b) False

Which feature of Azure Cosmos DB allows you to optimize the cost of queries by minimizing the data transfer?

  • a) Indexing
  • b) Partitioning
  • c) Query performance tips
  • d) Materialized views

Correct answer: b) Partitioning

Select the options that can help reduce the cost of queries in Azure Cosmos DB. (Select multiple)

  • a) Implementing efficient indexing strategies
  • b) Minimizing the number of query operations
  • c) Using aggregates and projections
  • d) Increasing the provisioned throughput

Correct answers: a) Implementing efficient indexing strategies, b) Minimizing the number of query operations, c) Using aggregates and projections

True or False: The cost of a query in Azure Cosmos DB is solely determined by the number of read operations.

  • a) True
  • b) False

Correct answer: b) False

Which Azure Cosmos DB operation can help estimate the cost of a query before executing it?

  • a) Query profiling
  • b) Query tuning
  • c) Query metrics
  • d) Query validation

Correct answer: a) Query profiling

Select the factors that can cause the cost of a query to vary over time. (Select multiple)

  • a) Changes in provisioned throughput
  • b) Evolving query patterns
  • c) Database backup frequency
  • d) Updates to indexing policy

Correct answers: a) Changes in provisioned throughput, b) Evolving query patterns, d) Updates to indexing policy

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Natalie Murphy
9 months ago

Great post! Understanding how to calculate the cost of a query in Cosmos DB is crucial for optimizing performance.

Audrey Lawson
1 year ago

Can anyone explain how RU consumption might differ when querying large datasets vs. small datasets?

Milan Hagelund
1 year ago

Thanks for the info, this is really helpful!

Thea Johansen
11 months ago

How does indexing impact the cost of a query?

Danny Oliver
1 year ago

Good explanations here. Helped me a lot on my exam prep!

Soledad Molina
1 year ago

Could someone explain the difference in cost between a point read and a query?

یاسمن كامياران

This blog post is a lifesaver!

Fidel Gaytán
1 year ago

What are some strategies for reducing query costs in Cosmos DB?

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