
Response Status Codes

When interacting with Azure Cosmos DB, various HTTP status codes can be returned as part of the response. These codes help us understand the outcome of the request and take appropriate actions based on the success or failure of the operation. Here are some important status codes:

  • 200 – Success: This status code indicates that the request was successful, and the response body contains the requested data.
  • 201 – Created: This code is returned when a new resource is successfully created in Azure Cosmos DB, such as a new document or collection.
  • 202 – Accepted: It signifies that the request has been accepted for further processing, but the operation is not yet completed. This can occur in scenarios like bulk import of data, where the completion might take some time.
  • 204 – No Content: This status code indicates that the request was successful, but there is no content to return. For example, when deleting a resource, the server may return a 204 status code to confirm successful deletion.
  • 400 – Bad Request: This code is returned when the request is malformed, missing required parameters, or has invalid data. It indicates an issue with the client’s request.
  • 401 – Unauthorized: When the request lacks valid authentication credentials, this status code is returned. It suggests that the client needs to authenticate before retrying the request.
  • 404 – Not Found: This code is returned when the requested resource is not found in Azure Cosmos DB. It implies that the resource does not exist or the provided URL is incorrect.

Failure Metrics

To track and evaluate failure metrics related to requests made to Azure Cosmos DB, we can consider the following factors:

  • Status Code Analysis: Monitoring the distribution of different status codes received from Azure Cosmos DB can provide insights into the success and failure rates. This can be done by tracking the frequencies of different status codes over time.
  • Error Messages: Analyzing error messages and their frequency can help understand the common causes of failures. Azure Cosmos DB provides detailed error messages that can assist in diagnosing the issues.
  • Retry Metrics: Tracking the number of retries performed for failed requests can indicate the reliability of the application. Excessive retries might indicate persistent failures, while successful retries imply temporary or transient issues.
  • Latency Analysis: Monitoring the response times of requests can help identify slow-performing queries or operations. High latency might indicate bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the application design.
  • Availability Percentage: Calculating the availability percentage of Azure Cosmos DB can give an overview of the system’s reliability. It is typically measured as the percentage of successful requests over a given time period.

Example Code

To retrieve the status code from a response in a code snippet using the Azure Cosmos DB SDK for .NET, you can use the following code:

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using System;

static async Task Main()
string endpointUrl = "your_endpoint_url";
string authKey = "your_auth_key";
string databaseName = "your_database_name";
string containerName = "your_container_name";

CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(endpointUrl, authKey);
Database database = cosmosClient.GetDatabase(databaseName);
Container container = database.GetContainer(containerName);

string itemId = "your_item_id";

ItemResponse response = await container.ReadItemAsync(itemId, new PartitionKey(itemId));

// Retrieve and print the status code
Console.WriteLine($"Response Status Code: {response.StatusCode}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}");
// Dispose the CosmosClient to release resources

In the above code, we create a `CosmosClient` instance using the endpoint URL and authentication key. We then get the required database and container objects. Finally, we read an item using its ID and retrieve the status code from the response by accessing the `StatusCode` property of the `ItemResponse` object.

By analyzing response status codes and failure metrics, we can gain insights into the overall performance and reliability of applications using Azure Cosmos DB. This information helps in troubleshooting issues, optimizing the application design, and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which response status code indicates a successful request in the context of Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) 200
  • b) 201
  • c) 204
  • d) 400

Correct answer: a) 200

What does a response status code of 401 in Azure Cosmos DB imply?

  • a) The request was successful, and authentication is required for further actions.
  • b) The request was unauthorized, and authentication credentials were missing or invalid.
  • c) The requested resource was not found.
  • d) The request was invalid or malformed.

Correct answer: b) The request was unauthorized, and authentication credentials were missing or invalid.

How does Azure Cosmos DB handle throttling of requests?

  • a) It automatically retries throttled requests at a later time.
  • b) It provides detailed information about the reason for throttling.
  • c) It allows the user to specify a maximum RUs (Request Units) limit to avoid throttling.
  • d) It terminates the request immediately and returns an error.

Correct answer: a) It automatically retries throttled requests at a later time.

Which failure metric can be used to measure the number of timeouts occurring during database operations?

  • a) Request Charge
  • b) Availability
  • c) Retry Rate
  • d) Latency

Correct answer: c) Retry Rate

True or False: The response status code 404 in Azure Cosmos DB indicates a timeout occurred during the request.

Correct answer: False

What is the purpose of the “Request Charge” metric in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) It measures the cost of a request in terms of Request Units (RUs).
  • b) It indicates the time taken to process a request.
  • c) It measures the number of successful requests within a given time period.
  • d) It provides information about the failure rate of request retries.

Correct answer: a) It measures the cost of a request in terms of Request Units (RUs).

Which response status code is returned when a request references a non-existent resource in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) 400
  • b) 403
  • c) 404
  • d) 409

Correct answer: c) 404

True or False: A response status code of 429 in Azure Cosmos DB indicates that a request has been throttled.

Correct answer: True

How can you determine the availability of an Azure Cosmos DB account?

  • a) By checking the value of the “Availability” property in the response.
  • b) By examining the “Response Headers” of the request.
  • c) By calculating the “Retry Rate” based on failed requests.
  • d) By analyzing the “Request Charge” metric.

Correct answer: b) By examining the “Response Headers” of the request.

Which failure metric can be used to measure the responsiveness of an Azure Cosmos DB account?

  • a) Request Charge
  • b) Availability
  • c) Retry Rate
  • d) Latency

Correct answer: d) Latency

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Ignjat Simić
1 year ago

Great post! It really helped me understand how to evaluate response status codes in Azure Cosmos DB.

Magrit Grams
1 year ago

Thanks for the blog. I’m still confused about the significance of 429 status codes.

Vilho Wirta
1 year ago

Can anyone explain how to capture failure metrics effectively in Cosmos DB?

Nete Monteiro
1 year ago

What are some best practices for managing high failure rates in Cosmos DB?

Marina Domínguez
1 year ago

Really useful information. Appreciate the detailed breakdown.

Johan Martin
1 year ago

It’s interesting to note how different status codes can impact the application’s reliability.

باران سالاری

Thanks for this resourceful post.

Topias Perala
1 year ago

One thing I’d like to add is the importance of monitoring throttling events in Cosmos DB.

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