
To implement pagination in a query operation for designing and implementing native applications using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, you can utilize the CONTINUATION TOKEN feature provided by the Cosmos DB SDK. This allows you to retrieve query results in batches or pages, improving performance and reducing the amount of data processed in each request.

Code Example

Here’s an example of how you can implement pagination in your query operation using the Cosmos DB SDK for .NET:

using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace CosmosDBPagination
public class Program
private static string endpointUrl = "your_cosmosdb_endpoint_url";
private static string primaryKey = "your_cosmosdb_primary_key";
private static string databaseId = "your_database_id";
private static string containerId = "your_container_id";

private static async Task QueryWithPagination()
CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(endpointUrl, primaryKey);
Database database = cosmosClient.GetDatabase(databaseId);
Container container = database.GetContainer(containerId);

string query = "SELECT * FROM c";
QueryDefinition queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(query);

FeedIterator feedIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator(
requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions { MaxItemCount = 10 } // Set the page size

while (feedIterator.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse response = await feedIterator.ReadNextAsync();

// Process the current page of results
foreach (var item in response)
// Process each item retrieved

public static void Main(string[] args)

In this example, we are using the Cosmos DB SDK to perform a query to retrieve all documents from a container. The MaxItemCount property in the QueryRequestOptions specifies the page size, i.e., the number of documents to retrieve in each request. In this case, we set it to 10.

The FeedIterator provides an iterator pattern to fetch results in batches/pages. The HasMoreResults property indicates whether there are more results available. Inside the loop, the ReadNextAsync method retrieves the next page of results.

You can customize the query as per your requirements using the SQL syntax supported by Azure Cosmos DB. Additionally, you can apply filters, sorting, or any other supported query operations to refine the result set.

By utilizing the pagination feature, you can efficiently retrieve large result sets and display them in a paginated manner in your application, preventing the need to load all the data at once.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

What is pagination in the context of querying data in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) It refers to dividing query results into multiple pages

b) It refers to sorting query results in ascending order

c) It refers to filtering query results based on a specific criteria

d) It refers to fetching all query results in a single page

Correct answer: a) It refers to dividing query results into multiple pages

Which query parameter is used for pagination in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) $top

b) $orderby

c) $filter

d) $skip

Correct answer: d) $skip

When implementing pagination in Azure Cosmos DB, which query parameter specifies the number of items to be skipped?

a) $top

b) $orderby

c) $filter

d) $skip

Correct answer: d) $skip

Which query parameter is used to limit the number of items to be fetched in a single page when implementing pagination in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) $top

b) $orderby

c) $filter

d) $skip

Correct answer: a) $top

In Azure Cosmos DB, what is the purpose of continuation tokens when implementing query pagination?

a) They provide a way to resume fetching query results from where the previous page ended

b) They ensure that only the first page of query results is fetched

c) They are used to filter query results based on a specific criteria

d) They determine the order in which query results are sorted

Correct answer: a) They provide a way to resume fetching query results from where the previous page ended

Which HTTP header is used to include a continuation token in the request when implementing pagination in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) X-Continuation

b) X-Pagination

c) X-Page-Token

d) X-Cosmos-Continuation-Token

Correct answer: d) X-Cosmos-Continuation-Token

When using the .NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB, which method is used to implement query pagination?

a) ReadDocumentAsync

b) CreateDocumentQuery

c) FeedOptions.NextPageAsync

d) ExecuteNextAsync

Correct answer: d) ExecuteNextAsync

Which of the following statements is true about query pagination in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) Pagination is only supported for SQL API

b) Pagination is only supported for MongoDB API

c) Pagination is supported for all APIs in Azure Cosmos DB

d) Pagination is not supported in Azure Cosmos DB

Correct answer: c) Pagination is supported for all APIs in Azure Cosmos DB

When implementing pagination in Azure Cosmos DB, what happens if the continuation token is not included in the request for the next page?

a) The query automatically fetches the next page of results

b) The query returns an error and stops fetching results

c) The query starts fetching results from the beginning

d) The query returns the same page of results as the previous request

Correct answer: d) The query returns the same page of results as the previous request

Which parameter can be used to control the maximum number of items to be fetched per request when implementing pagination in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) ResponseMaxItemCount

b) ResponseContinuationTokenLimitInKb

c) MaxItemCount

d) ContinuationTokenLimitInKb

Correct answer: c) MaxItemCount

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Javier Verouden
1 year ago

The blog post was very insightful. Implementing pagination seems crucial in managing large datasets.

Therese Rohe
1 year ago

Thanks for the informative post!

Ilija Šarović
1 year ago

Could someone explain how pagination helps with performance in Cosmos DB?

Cléo Leclerc
1 year ago

Appreciate the detailed examples provided for pagination implementation.

Raquel López
1 year ago

Pagination is essential, but can anyone suggest how to handle edge-cases, like changing data during pagination?

Dennis Herrera
1 year ago

Great read! The blog helped clear up my understanding of query operations in Cosmos DB.

Umut Poyrazoğlu
1 year ago

Very useful post. I have a question, does the pagination affect the cost of operations in Cosmos DB?

Maëline Morin
1 year ago

Thank you for the examples, they were very straightforward!

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