
The use of mathematical, string, and date functions is essential when designing and implementing native applications using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. These functions provide powerful capabilities for performing calculations, manipulating strings, and working with dates within your queries. In this article, we will explore how to leverage these functions to enhance the functionality and performance of your Azure Cosmos DB applications.

1. Mathematical Functions

Mathematical functions allow you to perform various calculations on numerical data within your queries. Azure Cosmos DB supports a rich set of mathematical functions, including:

  • ABS: This function returns the absolute value of a specified number. It can be used to convert negative numbers to positive numbers.
  • SELECT ABS(-10)

  • CEILING: This function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified number. It can be used to round up a numerical value.

  • FLOOR: This function returns the largest integer less than or equal to a specified number. It can be used to round down a numerical value.
  • SELECT FLOOR(3.14)

2. String Functions

String functions enable you to manipulate and perform operations on text data within your queries. Azure Cosmos DB provides a wide range of string functions, including:

  • CONCAT: This function concatenates two or more strings together.
  • SELECT CONCAT("Hello", "World")

  • LENGTH: This function returns the length of a specified string.
  • SELECT LENGTH("Hello")

  • LOWER: This function converts a specified string to lowercase.

  • UPPER: This function converts a specified string to uppercase.
  • SELECT UPPER("hello")

3. Date Functions

Date functions allow you to perform operations on date and time data within your queries. Azure Cosmos DB supports various date functions, including:

  • CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: This function returns the current date and time.

  • DATEADD: This function adds a specific number of date or time units to a specified date.
  • SELECT DATEADD("day", 7, "2022-01-01")

  • DATEDIFF: This function calculates the difference between two specified dates.
  • SELECT DATEDIFF("day", "2022-01-01", "2022-01-10")

These are just a few examples of the mathematical, string, and date functions available in Azure Cosmos DB. By utilizing these functions, you can enhance your query capabilities and perform complex calculations, string manipulations, and date operations within your native applications.

In conclusion, when designing and implementing native applications using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, it is important to leverage the mathematical, string, and date functions available. These functions provide powerful tools for performing calculations, manipulating strings, and working with dates within your queries. By using these functions effectively, you can enhance the functionality and performance of your Azure Cosmos DB applications.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which of the following SQL functions in Azure Cosmos DB can be used to calculate the square root of a numeric value?

  • a) SQRT
  • b) POW
  • c) LOG
  • d) SIN

Answer: a) SQRT

The DATEPART function in Azure Cosmos DB can be used to extract which of the following components from a date and time value?

  • a) Year
  • b) Month
  • c) Day
  • d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Which of the following SQL functions can be used to concatenate two strings in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) CONCAT
  • b) STRCAT
  • d) ADD

Answer: a) CONCAT

The COS function in Azure Cosmos DB returns the cosine of the specified angle. True or False?
Answer: True

Which of the following SQL functions can be used to convert a string representation of a number to its numeric equivalent in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) CAST
  • b) PARSE
  • c) CONVERT
  • d) TO_NUMBER

Answer: c) CONVERT

The DATEDIFF function in Azure Cosmos DB can be used to calculate the difference between two dates in which of the following units?

  • a) Years
  • b) Months
  • c) Days
  • d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

The LEN function in Azure Cosmos DB can be used to calculate the length of a string. True or False?
Answer: True

Which of the following SQL functions can be used to extract a substring from a string in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) SUBSTR
  • b) STRSUB
  • d) EXTRACT

Answer: a) SUBSTR

The ABS function in Azure Cosmos DB returns the absolute value of a numeric expression. True or False?
Answer: True

Which of the following SQL functions can be used to convert a string to uppercase in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) UPPER
  • b) UCASE
  • d) TO_UPPER

Answer: a) UPPER

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Marilce Ramos
9 months ago

This blog post is super helpful for preparing for the DP-420 exam. Thanks!

Eunice Ravesteijn
1 year ago

Is there any specific mathematical function in Cosmos DB that is frequently asked in the DP-420 exam?

Amanda Bryant
1 year ago

Can someone explain how to use string functions like CONCAT and LOWER in a Cosmos DB query?

Tomas Carrasco
1 year ago

I’m struggling to understand how date functions work in Cosmos DB. Any tips?

Maxime Kowalski
1 year ago

Thanks for this detailed post! It cleared up many doubts I had.

Özsu Balcı
1 year ago

Can somebody explain the USE_TZ property in date functions within Cosmos DB?

Aatu Lauri
1 year ago

Great resource for DP-420 preparation. Appreciate it!

Sara Benítez
1 year ago

How does the ROUND function work in Cosmos DB?

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