
Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service provided by Microsoft Azure. It offers high availability, horizontal scalability, and low latency access to your data. When building native applications using Azure Cosmos DB, it’s important to handle transient errors and 429s effectively to ensure a smooth user experience.

Transient errors are intermittent errors that occur due to temporary issues in the system, such as network glitches, high server load, or resource unavailability. These errors are typically short-lived and can be retried without any manual intervention. On the other hand, HTTP status code 429 indicates that the client has sent too many requests within a given time frame.

Implement Retry Logic

To handle transient errors and 429s, you can implement retry logic in your application. Azure Cosmos DB SDKs provide built-in retry policies that automatically handle transient errors. The SDKs use an exponential backoff algorithm to retry failed requests with increasing delays between retries. This helps to mitigate the impact of transient errors and enables automatic recovery.

Here’s an example of retry logic using the .NET SDK:

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;

// Create Cosmos DB client
CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(connectionString);

// Configure retry options
cosmosClient.ClientOptions.RetryOptions.MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 3;
cosmosClient.ClientOptions.RetryOptions.MaxRetryWaitTimeOnThrottledRequests = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);

// Use the client to interact with Azure Cosmos DB
// ...

Implement Circuit Breaking

Circuit breaking is a pattern that allows you to prevent repeated failed requests by temporarily blocking access to the affected service. When a transient error or 429 occurs, you can dynamically adjust the circuit breaker state to open and prevent additional requests for a specific duration. This helps to reduce the load on the service and improves overall system stability.

Implement Exponential Backoff

Exponential backoff is a technique that allows you to pause between retry attempts in an increasing manner. Instead of retrying immediately, you can introduce a delay before each retry, with each subsequent retry having a longer delay than the previous one. This approach prevents overwhelming the service with repeated requests and gives it time to recover from transient errors.

Here’s an example of exponential backoff using JavaScript:

const { CosmosClient } = require("@azure/cosmos");

// Create Cosmos DB client
const cosmosClient = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key });

// Configure retry options
const connectionPolicy = new CosmosClient.ConnectionPolicy();
connectionPolicy.RetryOptions.maxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 3;
connectionPolicy.RetryOptions.maxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 60;

// Use the client to interact with Azure Cosmos DB
// ...

Monitor Request Units (RUs)

Azure Cosmos DB uses Request Units (RUs) to measure the throughput and resource consumption of database operations. When handling transient errors and 429s, it’s important to monitor and manage the RUs consumed by your application. You can use Azure Monitor to track the RU consumption and set alerts for any unexpected spikes or anomalies. By monitoring RUs, you can optimize your application’s performance, detect potential issues, and adjust the throughput provisioned for your database as needed.

In conclusion, handling transient errors and 429s is crucial when designing and implementing native applications using Azure Cosmos DB. By utilizing built-in retry logic, implementing circuit breaking, applying exponential backoff, and monitoring request units, you can ensure a robust and resilient application that provides a seamless user experience even during temporary disruptions.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which of the following defines a transient error in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) An error that occurs due to a temporary issue in the network or system
  • b) An error that occurs due to invalid query syntax
  • c) An error that occurs when the database is full
  • d) An error that occurs when an incorrect database key is provided

Correct answer: a) An error that occurs due to a temporary issue in the network or system

True or False: Transient errors in Azure Cosmos DB can be resolved automatically without any intervention from the developer.

Correct answer: True

When encountering a transient error in Azure Cosmos DB, how can you handle it to ensure the reliable execution of your application?

  • a) Retry the operation after a short delay
  • b) Log the error and terminate the application
  • c) Ignore the error and proceed with the next operation
  • d) Modify the query to bypass the error

Correct answer: a) Retry the operation after a short delay

Which HTTP status code is returned by Azure Cosmos DB when the rate limit is exceeded?

  • a) 200 OK
  • b) 400 Bad Request
  • c) 429 Too Many Requests
  • d) 500 Internal Server Error

Correct answer: c) 429 Too Many Requests

True or False: The rate limit for Azure Cosmos DB is fixed and cannot be modified.

Correct answer: False

How can you handle a 429 error in Azure Cosmos DB caused by exceeding the rate limit?

  • a) Decrease the number of database transactions
  • b) Increase the timeout duration for each request
  • c) Implement exponential backoff and retry logic
  • d) Switch to a different database service

Correct answer: c) Implement exponential backoff and retry logic

True or False: Transient errors and 429 errors are the same thing in Azure Cosmos DB.

Correct answer: False

Which of the following factors can cause transient errors in Azure Cosmos DB?

  • a) Network congestion
  • b) Insufficient database storage
  • c) Hardware failures
  • d) Invalid query syntax

Correct answer: a) Network congestion, c) Hardware failures

How can you proactively monitor and detect transient errors in your Azure Cosmos DB application?

  • a) Disable error logging to minimize resource usage
  • b) Regularly review the Azure Cosmos DB pricing details
  • c) Use Azure Monitor to track and analyze error metrics
  • d) Continuously increase the rate limit for your database

Correct answer: c) Use Azure Monitor to track and analyze error metrics

True or False: Implementing retries for transient errors can introduce additional latency in your Azure Cosmos DB application.

Correct answer: True

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Nanna Thomsen
1 year ago

Great blog post! Thanks for explaining how to manage transient errors with retry policies.

Julian Morel
1 year ago

I’m having a hard time understanding when to implement exponential backoff for retry policies. Any advice?

Necati Erez
1 year ago

Can somebody explain how to handle 429 errors in a production environment?

Marianne Østerbø
1 year ago

Thanks for this! The sample code for handling retries is super helpful.

Aubree Mackay
1 year ago

What are some best practices for designing Cosmos DB queries to minimize throttling?

Leslie Kelley
1 year ago

Appreciate the detailed explanation on retry policies. It cleared up a lot of confusion!

Emilia Herrero
1 year ago

I followed the instructions but I’m still encountering too many 429 errors. Any suggestions?

Isabella Barrett
1 year ago

Very informative. Helped me a lot. Thanks!

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