
One of the fundamental roles of a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) in an Agile development environment is to facilitate team efficiency by identifying, managing, and resolving impediments. Impediment resolution is a crucial element of the CSM exam; understanding it can often be the difference between passing or failing the test. So, let’s delve into some practical techniques that can be employed to resolve impediments.

1. Process Change Technique

One fundamental approach that a CSM can take is to recommend a change in the process, such as the revamping of team roles or the revision of workflows. Process and system changes can eliminate systemic roadblocks that may be hampering team performance.

Example: Perhaps the Scrum Team isn’t delivering tasks on time due to excessive workload. One viable solution could be the implementation of Work In Progress (WIP) limits to avoid overburdening team members and to boost the overall productivity of the Scrum Team.

2. Coaching Technique

As a ScrumMaster, you’re often expected to fill the role of a coach. If an impediment is stemming from a lack of knowledge or skills within the team, the coaching technique can resolve such obstacles.

Example: Team members may be struggling with automated testing, slowing down the overall progress of the team. As a ScrumMaster, you can introduce coaching sessions on automated testing to address this impediment.

3. Mediation Technique

Differences in opinions or conflicts between team members constitute impediments too. As a ScrumMaster, your role is to mediate and find common ground, using the mediation technique. It encompasses facilitating open discussions, promoting mutual understanding, and negotiating compromises where necessary.

Example: A disagreement between two developers on the design of a certain feature becomes an impediment. As a ScrumMaster, you would keenly listen to both parties, encourage them to understand each other’s perspective, and reach a conclusion that aligns with team objectives and project goals.

4. Escalation Technique

There might be some impediments that teams can’t solve by themselves, and the issues need to be escalated to an authority outside the team. In such cases, the ScrumMaster can use the escalation technique to get the matter resolved.

Example: If there are antiquated systems or tools that are working as an impediment and need to be updated or replaced, this issue should be escalated further to the management.

Comparison Table for Impediment Resolution Techniques

Technique Applied When Example
Process Change Systemic roadblocks hamper team performance High workload leads to missed deadlines; implement WIP limits
Coaching Gap in knowledge or skills within the team Team struggles with automation; coaching sessions are introduced
Mediation Conflicts or differences in opinion among team members Disagreement on feature design; facilitate dialogue and negotiate solutions
Escalation Issues lie outside the team’s control and need external intervention Obsolete systems/tools serve as an impediment; escalate to management

The ScrumMaster should note that the choice of technique depends largely on the nature and extent of the impediment. The ultimate goal is always to facilitate maximum team efficiency by removing any factors that hinder progress. As such, a ScrumMaster may sometimes need to employ a mix of techniques to resolve complex or multiple impediments. Remember, the resolution does not always have to be perfect but should be effective enough to get the ball rolling again.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Applying at least one technique to resolve an impediment is an essential skill for a Certified ScrumMaster.

  • a) True
  • b) False

a) True

Which of these are common techniques a ScrumMaster could use to resolve an impediment?

  • a) Team Empowerment
  • b) Risk Management
  • c) Stakeholder Engagement
  • d) Start-stop-continue retrospective
  • e) All of the above

e) All of the above

A good technique for resolving impediments within the Agile framework includes:

  • a) Ignoring the issue until it goes away
  • b) Completely taking over the team’s work
  • c) Facilitating discussions to identify ways around the impediment
  • d) Fining team members who cause impediments

c) Facilitating discussions to identify ways around the impediment

Which of these is a technique ScrumMaster could implement if a team member is consistently late for stand-ups?

  • a) Immediately terminate the team member
  • b) Discuss the issue privately with the team member
  • c) Publish the tardiness in the company newsletter
  • d) Ignore the issue

b) Discuss the issue privately with the team member

True or False: A ScrumMaster’s toolkit for resolving impediments should include collaboration, perspective switching, risk management and mediation.

  • a) True
  • b) False

a) True

What should a ScrumMaster do if a team member isn’t delivering work on time?

  • a) Scream at them
  • b) Blacklist them from the industry
  • c) Inspire and motivate them to improve
  • d) Forget about it

c) Inspire and motivate them to improve

Single-select: Who should a ScrumMaster involve when resolving a team-related impediment?

  • a) Only the Scrum Master
  • b) Only the Product Owner
  • c) The whole team
  • d) Only the development team

c) The whole team

True or False: While resolving an impediment, a ScrumMaster should ensure that any changes implemented are in line with Agile principles.

  • a) True
  • b) False

a) True

Multiple-select: Which of the following are attributes that a ScrumMaster might need while leading the team through the process of resolving impediments?

  • a) Empathy
  • b) Leadership
  • c) Impatience
  • d) Humility

a) Empathy, b) Leadership, d) Humility

What is the most appropriate technique for a ScrumMaster to use when getting the team to arrive at a shared definition of “ready”?

  • a) Force the team to adhere to the ScrumMaster’s definition
  • b) Conduct a workshop or meeting for co-creation
  • c) Get the CEO to mandate a definition
  • d) Allow each team member to work to their own definition both independently and autonomously

b) Conduct a workshop or meeting for co-creation

True or False: Part of the ScrumMaster’s role in resolving impediments is to look for systemic or recurring issues within the Scrum team or the wider organization.

  • a) True
  • b) False

a) True

Which of the following should a ScrumMaster NOT do when trying to resolve an impediment?

  • a) Force the team to work longer hours
  • b) Look for patterns and systemic problems
  • c) Involve the whole team in problem solving
  • d) Use a solution-oriented approach

a) Force the team to work longer hours

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Noah Jørgensen
11 months ago

This blog post is really helpful. Thanks!

Jafeth Van Turnhout
11 months ago

I find daily stand-ups an effective technique to resolve impediments in Scrum teams. They provide a platform for immediate feedback and issue resolution.

Isobel Taylor
1 year ago

Appreciate the blog post!

Anusha Mugeraya
10 months ago

In my experience, using a Kanban board helps visualize impediments and manage them more efficiently.

Stanislaw Ruth
1 year ago

I’ve found that having a dedicated Scrum Master to actively remove impediments is key to keeping the team productive.

Maxwell Washington
1 year ago

Great insights, thanks for sharing!

Hema Manjunath
1 year ago

Sometimes, conducting root cause analysis meetings can help in identifying the underlying issues causing the impediments.

Klaasjan Schelvis
1 year ago

I appreciate the detailed explanation!

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