
In the realm of software development, one significant concept that demands the attention of a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) is technical debt. In brief, technical debt refers to the additional work that we accumulate when we pick the easy solution instead of the better approach that would take more time. Understanding the impact of accumulating technical debt is vital in maintaining efficiency and productivity within the Scrum framework.

Understanding Technical Debt

Before we look into the impact of accumulating technical debt, it’s essential to understand the concept. Ward Cunningham coined the term “technical debt,” likening it to financial debt. If you take a shortcut to get something done quickly, you collect a “debt” that must be paid back with interest in the form of extra work. This could be as a result of poor code design, lack of testing, insufficient documentation, etc. The longer this debt is not “paid off”, the more interest (extra work) it will accrue.

Impact of Accumulating Technical Debt

Decreased Productivity

One of the most significant impacts of accumulating technical debt is decreasing productivity. The ‘interest’ from taking development shortcuts piles up over time, causing teams to invest more time fixing bugs and solving issues related to previous shortcuts. Such resources could be better deployed to new products or innovative updates.

Increased Costs

The connection between technical debt and increased costs is direct. When teams spend more time on tackling the after-effects of shortcuts, it implies a diversion of resources. More hours are spent on solving issues than on developing viable products, thereby increasing operational costs.

Reduced code quality

The accumulation of technical debt can inevitably lead to decreased code quality. The more technical debt a project has, the messier its codebase can become. Over time, this can make it increasingly difficult for the team to work on the project effectively, potentially leading to more serious problems such as system outages or failure.

Poor customer or user satisfaction

Poor end-products resulting from a build-up of technical debt can lead to dissatisfaction from end users. After all, technical debt often results in more bugs, less stability, or even incomplete features. These situations can cause end users frustration and make them consider alternative products.

Ways to Manage Technical Debt

Periodic Refactoring

Refactoring involves rewriting or reorganizing code to make it cleaner and easier to understand, without altering the way it works. Regular refactoring helps manage technical debt by fixing code quality issues before they become unmanageable.

Code Reviews

In code reviews, peer developers check each other’s code for mistakes and areas of potential improvement. Regular code reviews can prevent high levels of technical debt, since problematic code can be identified and refined before it enters the codebase.

Quality Documentation

Having insightful, well-organized documentation covering aspects like code, architecture, and system design helps in understanding the existing work, making it easier to reduce technical debt.

Though it’s almost impossible to eliminate technical debt entirely in a complex, long-term project, being mindful of its implications and taking regular steps towards its reduction can lead to highly efficient, cost-effective operations. Ultimately, the goal of every CSM should be to influence the development teams to understand the trade-offs they are making, and steadily maintain a balance between speed and perfection. That’s the only way to meaningfully navigate the challenge of technical debt.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: Accumulating technical debt can disrupt the product roadmap for a Scrum team.

  • True
  • False


True/False: Technical debt is the cost associated with additional work that arises when code is not easy to understand and modify.

  • True
  • False


Which of the following impacts can technical debt have on a Scrum team? (Multiple select)

  • Slower velocity
  • Lower code quality
  • Increased stress for the team
  • None of the above

Slower velocity, Lower code quality, Increased stress for the team

Accumulating technical debt is a good practice as it speeds up initial development.

  • True
  • False


How can technical debt affect the product backlog in Scrum? (Single select)

  • Technical debt items can add to the backlog, increasing the overall project work.
  • Technical debt has no effect on the product backlog.
  • Technical debt can help to reduce the backlog by fastening the development process.
  • Technical debt can automatically de-prioritize features in the backlog.

Technical debt items can add to the backlog, increasing the overall project work.

The accumulation of technical debt: (Multiple select)

  • Can lead to architectural problems in the system.
  • Does not affect the system’s stability.
  • Makes the system difficult to maintain and extend.
  • Improves the quality of the code.

Can lead to architectural problems in the system, Makes the system difficult to maintain and extend.

True/False: Ignoring technical debt can lead to significant reduction in development speed over time.

  • True
  • False


True/False: Technical debt is always the result of poor programming practices.

  • True
  • False


What happens if technical debt is not managed in time? (Single select)

  • It becomes technical credit.
  • It may lead to software rot.
  • The Scrum team gets disbanded.
  • The scrum master will have to bear a monetary fine.

It may lead to software rot.

True or False: Refactoring is one of the strategies to reduce technical debt.

  • True
  • False


True or False: Unresolved technical debt does not affect a Scrum team’s velocity.

  • True
  • False


A Scrum Master’s role in managing technical debt includes: (Multiple select)

  • Ensuring the team understands the impact of technical debt
  • Allocating time for refactoring and cleanup activities
  • Ignoring technical debt as it is purely a technical issue
  • Educating stakeholders about the importance of addressing technical debt.

Ensuring the team understands the impact of technical debt, Allocating time for refactoring and cleanup activities, Educating stakeholders about the importance of addressing technical debt.

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Ladina Aubert
5 months ago

The impact of accumulating technical debt can be enormous, especially in a Scrum environment where maintaining velocity is key.

Logan French
6 months ago

I think it’s fascinating how technical debt can affect both the short-term and long-term productivity of development teams.

Mirza Hage
3 months ago

Thanks for sharing!

Felix Møller
7 months ago

Technical debt always seems to come back to bite us during sprint reviews. Any suggestions on better managing it?

Patrício da Luz
6 months ago

In my experience, technical debt often leads to burnout in teams due to constant firefighting.

Brigite Martins
5 months ago

Great post, learned a lot!

Alejandra Parra
7 months ago

Managing technical debt well can actually provide a competitive advantage.

Agnethe Marøy
6 months ago

It’s interesting how technical debt can affect not just the development team but also the business stakeholders.

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