
The principle of Scrum methodology includes having regular short cycles, known as sprints, during which the software development team creates and tests a set of features. However, in some exceptional circumstances, a sprint could be terminated prematurely. The decision to cancel a sprint is a serious one and is typically made by a product owner, though it can be influenced by the stakeholders, the Scrum Master, or the development team.

Conditions to terminate a sprint prematurely

Here are some conditions under which a sprint could be terminated prematurely:

  • Change in Business Conditions: This is one of the most common reasons for cancelling a sprint. The business environment is very dynamic and can change quickly. If, for example, a new competitor enters the marketplace or existing competition launches a similar product, it may be necessary to pivot and redirect development efforts. This would result in the termination of the current sprint to enable the team to adapt to the new conditions and work on more important features.
  • Goal of the Sprint is no longer valid: The sprint could be cancelled if the goal of the sprint becomes obsolete. This could be due to multiple reasons such as changes in market conditions, customer needs, technology, or business strategy.
  • The Team Cannot Deliver the Increment: In instances where the team encounters certain technical challenges that prevent them from delivering the increment, the sprint may be terminated early. For example, if a crucial technology becomes unavailable or a vital team member leaves in the middle of a sprint.
  • Emergent Opportunity: A new opportunity may arise to develop a feature or product that is aligned with the company’s goals, and significantly more beneficial than the current work. Such an opportunity can result in the cancellation of a sprint.

However, the premature termination of a sprint is not exercised frequently as it comes at a high cost. It can lead to loss of momentum, decrease in team morale, and generate waste in terms of efforts already expended.

Factor Effect on Premature Termination
Business Conditions May warrant termination to adapt to alterations in market needs or competition.
Goal Obsolete Change in strategy or customer requirements can necessitate cancellation.
Inability to Deliver Increment Technical challenges or unexpected setbacks can lead to termination.
Emergent Opportunities Higher beneficial chances connected to the company’s goals can result in cancellation.

To conclude, it is crucial to remember that the power to terminate a sprint should be used judiciously and sparingly. Only when the cost of continuing the sprint greatly exceeds the cost of cancellation should this step be taken. As a Certified Scrum Master, understanding when to suggest or support the decision to cancel a sprint is a key part of effective project and team management. It’s important to always weigh the benefits against the costs, and make sure the decision supports the overall goals of the business.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: A Sprint can only be cancelled by the Product Owner.

  • A) True
  • B) False

B) False

True/False: A Sprint should never be cancelled due to issues with team performance.

  • A) True
  • B) False

A) True

Which of the following is NOT a valid reason for prematurely terminating a Sprint for a Certified ScrumMaster?

  • A) The Sprint goal has become obsolete
  • B) The team has decided that they cannot complete the Sprint
  • C) The product owner has left the company
  • D) The ScrumMaster is unavailable

D) The ScrumMaster is unavailable

True/False: The decision to cancel a Sprint can be taken unilaterally without consulting the Scrum Team.

  • A) True
  • B) False

B) False

True/False: A Sprint can be prematurely terminated if the market conditions change drastically.

  • A) True
  • B) False

A) True

Who has the authority to cancel a Sprint?

  • A) The Scrum Master
  • B) The Development Team
  • C) The Product Owner
  • D) Any Stakeholder

C) The Product Owner

True/False: If a Sprint is cancelled before the Sprint Time-box is over, all items in the Sprint Backlog return to the Product Backlog.

  • A) True
  • B) False

A) True

What is a possible repercussion of frequently terminating Sprints prematurely?

  • A) Decreased team morale
  • B) Increased project velocity
  • C) Decreased product quality
  • D) A and C

D) A and C

True/False: A Sprint should be cancelled if the Team encounters a technical problem that they can’t solve.

  • A) True
  • B) False

B) False

In Scrum, under which condition might a Sprint be cancelled?

  • A) The Scrum Team cannot finish all selected Product Backlog Items
  • B) The Sprint Goal is achieved before the Sprint ends
  • C) The Product Owner determines that the Sprint Goal is obsolete
  • D) The Scrum Team is working too slowly

C) The Product Owner determines that the Sprint Goal is obsolete

Which of these would not be a likely reason for a Sprint to be prematurely terminated?

  • A) The Sprint Goal is no longer valid
  • B) A fundamental shift in the market
  • C) The team is unable to reach a consensus on a technical issue
  • D) The ScrumMaster is experiencing personal issues

D) The ScrumMaster is experiencing personal issues

If a Sprint is prematurely terminated, who is responsible for the re-estimating work remaining?

  • A) The Business Stakeholders
  • B) The Product Owner
  • C) The Scrum Master
  • D) The Development Team

D) The Development Team

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Jordano Duarte
3 months ago

A Sprint can be terminated prematurely if the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete. For example, if the market conditions change or new information emerges.

Ivano Michel
7 months ago

I’ve seen Sprints terminated when key stakeholders realize that the feature being built isn’t what they actually need.

Gisèle Brun
4 months ago

Great blog post, thanks!

Jitendra Cardoso
7 months ago

A Sprint can also be stopped if the effort required to complete the sprint backlog is significantly underestimated.

ایلیا نكو نظر

Good post, very informative.

Akhil Almeida
7 months ago

In my experience, a Sprint was canceled when we realized we had a significant technical debt that needed immediate attention.

Nelli Heikkinen
3 months ago

Thanks for sharing this. It really helps!

Ian Allen
7 months ago

I don’t think terminating Sprints should be a regular occurrence. It kind of defeats the purpose of a Sprint.

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