
Successful Scrum teams deliver high-quality increments consistently and manage technical debt appropriately. This feat is attainable with the adaption of specific development practices. To facilitate your Scrum team in obtaining its objectives each Sprint, three essential practices should be adopted, including Test-Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), and Pair Programming.

I. Test-Driven Development (TDD):

The first development practice highly recommended for Scrum teams is Test-Driven Development (TDD). At its core, TDD is an evolutionary approach to development that combines test-first development and refactoring. A developer will first write a test before writing just enough production code to fulfill that test. Then, they will refactor the code as necessary.

This approach not only ensures a firm understanding of the requirements but also successively delivers high-quality code. When consistently applied, TDD can substantially reduce the introduction of defects and, subsequently, technical debt.


For instance, when a team uses TDD to implement a new feature in an application, the first thing that they will do is write a test case that describes the expected behavior of the proposed function. Then, the developer writes the minimum amount of code needed to pass the test. This approach allows the development team to maintain control over the software complexity while ensuring that the new feature is functioning as intended.

II. Continuous Integration (CI):

Scrum teams can significantly improve the quality of the Increments and reduce technical debt by implementing Continuous Integration (CI). In a CI environment, developers integrate their code into a shared repository several times a day. Each integration is then automatically verified by an immediate automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early on.

CI reduces the cost, time, and risk associated with integrating changes to the project. This way, technical debt – often the result of uncoordinated development efforts over time – decreases significantly.


For instance, in a project where developers are working on different features, they continuously merge their updates with the main code branch. This practice allows immediate automatic tests to check for compatibility and eliminate any possible conflicts or issues.

III. Pair Programming:

The third approach that can be of immense favor to Scrum teams is Pair Programming (PP). Pair Programming is an agile software development technique where two engineers work together at one work station. One person, the “driver,” writes the code, while the other, the “observer,” reviews each line of code as it is typed in.

Not only does pair programming contribute to improving code quality by catching errors early, but it also facilitates knowledge sharing among team members. In the long run, this will lead to leveling up the team’s skills and, alongside, reducing technical debt.


For example, when creating a new functionality in a software solution, two programmers can work together to write the code. For instance, the “driver” can focus on coding while the “observer” checks the accuracy of the code and its adherence to the project’s design and style guides.

In conclusion,

adopting these development practices – Test-Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), and Pair Programming – can significantly help Scrum teams deliver a high-quality Increment and reduce the accumulation of technical debt each Sprint. Each of these methods ensures the rapid delivery of high-quality software and contributes to a more sustainable development pace.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Having a clear definition of “Done” is a development practice that would help a Scrum Team deliver a high-quality increment and reduce technical debt each sprint.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: True

Which of the following practices could help a Scrum Team deliver a high-quality increment and reduce technical debt each Sprint?

  • Constant communication
  • Test-driven development
  • Lack of code review

Correct Answer: Test-driven development

Test-driven development is a practice that is proven to help teams deliver quality increments and reduce technical debt.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: True

True or False: Regular code refactoring is unnecessary for Scrum Teams and does not help reduce technical debt.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: False

Select the practice that is LEAST useful for the Scrum Team to deliver a high-quality increment and reduce technical debt each sprint?

  • Code review
  • Automated testing
  • Ignoring feedback from stakeholders

Correct Answer: Ignoring feedback from stakeholders

Automated unit tests can help a Scrum team deliver a high-quality increment and reduce technical debt each Sprint.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: True

What practices can help their Scrum Team deliver a high-quality increment and reduce technical debt each Sprint? (Choose three)

  • Continuous Integration
  • Non-stop coding
  • Paired programming
  • Code rerunning
  • Code reviewing

Correct Answer: Continuous Integration, Paired programming, Code reviewing

True or False: Taking time to thoroughly review and refactor code is a waste of time and does not contribute to delivering a high-quality increment or reducing technical debt.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: False

The use of a shared code ownership is an effective practice for reducing technical debt and delivering high-quality increments.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: True

Which of the following Development practices could adversely impact the quality of increment and increase technical debt in a Scrum team?

  • Skipping code review.
  • Implementing an automated testing system.
  • Regularly refactoring code.
  • Having a clear definition of “done”.

Correct Answer: Skipping code review.

Eliminating waste is a lean principle that could help Scrum Teams reduce technical debt and deliver a high-quality increment.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: True

True or False: Both pair programming and mob programming are practices that can aid a Scrum Team in delivering a high-quality increment and reducing technical debt each Sprint.

  • True
  • False

Correct Answer: True

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Ellie Sutton
3 months ago

Implementing Continuous Integration (CI) can be a game changer for reducing technical debt. Any thoughts?

Mohamed Montero
7 months ago

Pair Programming is another practice that can significantly improve code quality.

Jutta Martinez
7 months ago

Test-Driven Development (TDD) ensures that the code is testable and robust from the beginning.

Jaxon Singh
7 months ago

Thanks for the insightful post!

Jeremy French
7 months ago

Refactoring is essential to manage technical debt.

María Esteban
5 months ago

Code reviews are a must to ensure high-quality deliverables.

ملینا سالاری

Great blog post, very informative. Thanks!

Zorica Stojković
7 months ago

Don’t forget to integrate automated testing into your CI pipeline.

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